Based On this Photo of root structure...


Active Member
That's actually a really good question. And the answer depends on the strain. But in my opinion.. No, if you have a fast growing- fast producing strain. They will never be able to take advantage of it with a 2 month plant. Above that? Then I think the answer would be yes.


Well-Known Member
I just germinate some seeds and grow the fuckers, I don't get that technical, but I suppose if you wanna scratch and claw for some extra grams who am I, I'm not even sure I know what air pruning pot is, I don't think...


Active Member
I just germinate some seeds and grow the fuckers, I don't get that technical, but I suppose if you wanna scratch and claw for some extra grams who am I, I'm not even sure I know what air pruning pot is, I don't think...

LMao!! To funny. I like the attitude! Just like me... Just grow the fuckers!!


Well-Known Member
You can use a smaller pot with a larger plant you just have to water more, and possible poke a few holes in the top of the soil and around the sides and what not.
You get a larger plant faster using a bigger pot though...
I find that a 2 ft indica needs at least a 3 gallon pot, but I can but a 3 ft sativa in a 1/2 gallon pot without any issue...
I have only grown autos once and I was not terribly impressed, but as I mentioned before a plant can grow and be alright in a small pot, but in a larger pot it grows faster, and autos are like a ticking clock continually working both for and against you...Against you because any errors don't have time to right themselves, and for you because harvest is never too far away.


Well-Known Member
So...air pruning pots are alright I guess...just so hard to keep watered. I am too lazy for all that jazz...I like watering every 3rd or 4th day.


Well-Known Member
wtf that pic is showing like 1/20 of the hole root structure dont be a dummy. plants grow root according to size. a ruderelas that is small has less roots if it where bigger it would have more roots and its also relevant to the amount of time it has to grow...


Well-Known Member
So would transplanting early/germing directly into final pot make for a bigger auto? Been wondering about when I should transplant mine. I like to wait until a solid rootball is formed for my photo plants, but not sure on autos.


Well-Known Member
LMao!! To funny. I like the attitude! Just like me... Just grow the fuckers!!
lol..Awesome! It's true man, I have grown only 2 auto's with success using grandmas mollasses and basic flower nutes. It grows like anything else, The hardest part is the first 2 -3 week of it's existence, the rest is common sense.


Active Member
i grew out 2 creme caramel one in a 2.5 reg pot one in a 3 gal smart pot, outdoor. They did about the same the one in the reg pot veged a bit quicker


Active Member
I just plucked 13 autos and the roots were much larger than indicated in that pic. I agree that image is missing quite a few roots!


Well-Known Member
Just plant it in a 3 gal. pot, I go by the specifics of what i'm growing. If it indicates small I go 3 gal, medium, 3-5 gal, large 5 gal, the roots will be ok. I have grown in 3 liters before and actually got dense buds. I just prefer a larger pot most of the time so I can avoid even thinking about the roots.

If you start your's in clear dixie cups like I do, you can see how fast it gets roots. Within' 3 -5 days the bottom of the cup is cluddered with roots. I use that as my indicator to transplant.