Number of lights


Active Member
I'm new, and after reading a bunch, I just have one questions. Other than heat, are there any side effects of having "too much" light?? Would more light/light bulbs differ the growth in any way?


Well-Known Member
I'm new, and after reading a bunch, I just have one questions. Other than heat, are there any side effects of having "too much" light?? Would more light/light bulbs differ the growth in any way?

ya the side effect of to much light is too much bud :mrgreen:

more lights the higher the yeild

higher the yeild more to smoke


Active Member
So if I planned on growing 2 plants, whats the average number of 27 watts would you folks suggest(Just so I can get a baseline quantity)? If more light is better, than hell, Ill spend a couple more bucks on more lights if it means Ill grow more.


Well-Known Member
go with 15 lights then it will equate to 405w of light.go for it make sure u have a reflector so u dont lose energy and that way all of the light will be transpired to the plants