Gay marriage?

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Well-Known Member
What point are you making? That marijuana is a safe alternative to opiates? Thanks, I think we already know that.
My point is you are full of shit. In one place you say you would need opiates, then in another you say your only problem is insomnia.


Well-Known Member
The opiates arent for insomnia.

Why is there no mention of the opiates or of the medical conditions that would require opiates in the police forum. If you are prescribed opiates there is a good chance they will DQ you right away for other medical reasons. Just like the cop in that forum said, If they gave you a rec for MMJ it is probably bad enough to DQ you from the police force so the same would go for the opiates. In the police forum you say you can quit MMJ any time you want, that must mean you would have to go to the opiates... Still no police force for you, but no mention of that? You are just full of shit in every way!


Well-Known Member
Why is there no mention of the opiates or of the medical conditions that would require opiates in the police forum. If you are prescribed opiates there is a good chance they will DQ you right away for other medical reasons. Just like the cop in that forum said, If they gave you a rec for MMJ it is probably bad enough to DQ you from the police force so the same would go for the opiates. In the police forum you say you can quit MMJ any time you want, that must mean you would have to go to the opiates... Still no police force for you, but no mention of that? You are just full of shit in every way!
Im not even prescribed opiates, thanks to marijuana I dont need any of that shit. It has beat my ailments for the most part.


Well-Known Member
Im asking, because I think that its almost impossible to be a black supremacist, so im wondering what or who you consider to be a black supremacist.
Google is not your friend.

Anyone of any race or ethnicity is capable of supremacist thought. White supremacists just get the most ink in our culture.

In fact, the application of the term 'racist' to 'supremacist' is one of the few technically correct uses nowadays.

This thread is devolving rapidly. The FAIL is so thick in here I think I will unsub for a while. I'll try to check in later.

Meanwhile, I think I'll read about the connection between daytime top-watering and forest fires. :-P


Well-Known Member
Google is not your friend.

Anyone of any race or ethnicity is capable of supremacist thought. White supremacists just get the most ink in our culture.

In fact, the application of the term 'racist' to 'supremacist' is one of the few technically correct uses nowadays.

This thread is devolving rapidly. The FAIL is so thick in here I think I will unsub for a while. I'll try to check in later.

Meanwhile, I think I'll read about the connection between daytime top-watering and forest fires. :-P
I think about the fact that all humans originated in Africa, therefore we are all partially african, so how can anybody be a black supremacist if we are all genetically black?
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