Establishing a medical history

What exactly shows up on your medical records? Could a few doctors visits, even if unproductive (no prescription granted/no diagnosis) be used as evidence of medical history or illness?

Do medical marijuana authorizations given without medical history stand up in court? Has any patient been prosecuted for improper authorization, or an authorization made without the doctor/clinic seeing records?

I currently live in Texas, and will be visiting a doctor soon for hereditary migraines. They occur like clockwork every time it rains, or the pressure changes significantly. Migraines are a chronic disorder and should be covered as a qualifying condition. This is a legitimate claim, I just most likely would not seek treatment without ulterior motives. Any care to shed some light on this?
I will very likely get a diagnosis for chronic migraines, I'm just worried that migraines will be looked down upon. Know that I don't need marijuana for migraines, I need it for anxiety/depression, I do have a psychiatric history, but anxiety does not qualify.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
What exactly shows up on your medical records? Could a few doctors visits, even if unproductive (no prescription granted/no diagnosis) be used as evidence of medical history or illness?

Do medical marijuana authorizations given without medical history stand up in court? Has any patient been prosecuted for improper authorization, or an authorization made without the doctor/clinic seeing records?

I currently live in Texas, and will be visiting a doctor soon for hereditary migraines. They occur like clockwork every time it rains, or the pressure changes significantly. Migraines are a chronic disorder and should be covered as a qualifying condition. This is a legitimate claim, I just most likely would not seek treatment without ulterior motives. Any care to shed some light on this?
I will very likely get a diagnosis for chronic migraines, I'm just worried that migraines will be looked down upon. Know that I don't need marijuana for migraines, I need it for anxiety/depression, I do have a psychiatric history, but anxiety does not qualify.
Ok here we go, talk to you doctor about the " Chronic " Pain. Under the Wa state law they will give you a MMJ license basicly for chronic pain that is not cured by traditional medication. Any time you visit your doctor they will file a report of the visit in your medical record. Unless you are going to some Mexican hospital across the border! :P You can either do what I did and go back the next day and get a copy of your vist or you can go to your MMJ doc and sighn a release form and they can request your records.

This is important! When you fill you your questionare for the MMJ people make sure you mark the incurable pain box, or the pain that is not cured by tradtional medication box. I went in for something like that and just told my MMJ doc that I didn't want to start taking pills at age 34! I imagine you don't either that is why you are looking for a more "natural" or "organic" solution to your pain vs pain killers and other pills that will only slowly kill your liver! Depending on your doc you should be fine. If one MMJ doc doesn't aprove ya keep looking. Also fax your paperwork over to them and they will be able to tell you what you need or weather you are waisting your time.


Well-Known Member
If a doctor write you a prescription, you have a prescription. That is why they are allowed to write them. No court is going to question the doctor's judgement. Can you imagine?!?!?!?!?!? We already have a shortage of doctors, when the DAs start second guessing them, we are in real trouble.