How come no outrage over private prisons?


New Member
I still am against it

But from What i understand

SB1070 is a law in Arizona that was created by the Prison Industry
and Fought by the Obama administration

Any thoughts on that?

My thoughts are that the DemoCRIPS got paid to fight against ICE and REBLOODICANS in a turf war for the slavery trade.










Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
and it doesn't validate you voting for someone who supports something your are strongly against(Obama), what the fuck?
Most probably don't know who they really are voting for. These politicians are so slippery and the press is very well spun it is difficult to tell.


Well-Known Member
Only involvement with the private prison industry for the Feds is Immigration Detention

So if Obama is not deporting or detaining illegals unless they have other crimes

That means

LESS detained Illegal Immigrants

So can you Please Tell me again how Obama is in bed with the private prison industry?

If he is

They could use a better freind


New Member
Only involvement with the private prison industry for the Feds is Immigration Detention

So if Obama is not deporting or detaining illegals unless they have other crimes

That means

LESS detained Illegal Immigrants

So can you Please Tell me again how Obama is in bed with the private prison industry?

If he is

They could use a better freind
Again Really?

obama has increased funding for law enforcement, interdiction, and international funding, too. In overall terms, Obama has devoted $102 billion in his first term to the War on Drugs, while in Bush's last four years, the figure is $91 billion. The percentage of the War on Drugs that is still dedicated to the "war" side averages at 59.3 percent throughout the first four years of Obama, when it averaged 59.0 percent in the last four years of Bush.


Well-Known Member
Again Really?

obama has increased funding for law enforcement, interdiction, and international funding, too. In overall terms, Obama has devoted $102 billion in his first term to the War on Drugs, while in Bush's last four years, the figure is $91 billion. The percentage of the War on Drugs that is still dedicated to the "war" side averages at 59.3 percent throughout the first four years of Obama, when it averaged 59.0 percent in the last four years of Bush.
President Barack Obama will take steps to draw down the nation's decades-long war on drugs if he wins a second term, Marc Ambinder reports Monday in GQ.
According to Ambinder, Obama's "aides and associates" say that the president is looking to prioritize reform, a reflection of the president's long-held beliefs that strict drug prohibition and enforcement policies have done greater damage to society than good.
Sources close to the White House also told The Huffington Post that the administration is looking at ways that it can reduce barriers to reentering society for those caught up in the drug war, such as a longstanding policy that denies federal financial aid to college students convicted of drug-related offenses, including possession.
Ambinder extensively documents a wide variety of the drug war's consequences, but if the described infirmities concern Obama enough to catalyze the reported shift, his recent policy moves have not shown a particular interest in reflecting that worry.
The president has been repeatedly accused of going back on campaign-era promises regarding deemphasizing enforcement of federal laws against medical marijuana. While Obama said in 2008 that he wouldn't use Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on medical marijuana, Attorney General Eric Holder later announced that federal authorities would continue to prosecute individuals for marijuana possession, regardless of its legalized status in some states.


New Member
Only involvement with the private prison industry for the Feds is Immigration Detention

So if Obama is not deporting or detaining illegals unless they have other crimes

That means

LESS detained Illegal Immigrants

So can you Please Tell me again how Obama is in bed with the private prison industry?

If he is

They could use a better freind
Obama’s 2011 Budget Calls for More Prisons, More Guards. An increase budget aiding your initially stated private prison industry leaders JPI and GEO, as you can see quoted on pages 2 and 3 of this thread.

Obama’s 2011 Budget Calls for More Prisons, More Guards

by Brandon Sample

So much for “hope” and “change.” President Obama’s fiscal year (FY) 2011 budget for the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is simply more of the same – more prisons, more guards, more cops. At least when it comes to the criminal justice system, Republicans and Democrats apparently have no trouble finding consensus.

According to a recent report from the Justice Policy Institute, the President’s proposed FY 2011 budget, which covers spending for federal government operations from October 1, 2010 to September 31, 2011, asks for a whopping $29.2 billion for the DOJ – largely to fund programs and policies that will cause crime rates and prison populations to increase.

The DOJ’s budget request is on top of $4 billion already provided to the department through the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, better known as the federal “stimulus package,” and reflects a 5.4 percent increase over the DOJ’s 2010 budget appropriation.

Some $500 million of Obama’s FY 2011 budget is dedicated to providing Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assis-tance Grants to the states. Byrne grants can be used for a variety of different purposes, but past experience has demonstrated that most go to law enforcement efforts rather than prevention, drug treatment or community services. The $500 million is in addition to $2 billion already allocated for Byrne grants through the stimulus package. The net result from increased Byrne grant funding is more arrests and prosecutions, which means more prisoners – even though focusing on law enforcement instead of prevention and treatment does not necessarily improve public safety.

President Obama has also requested $690 million for Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grants, which allow states and municipalities to hire and retain police officers. The requested $690 million, which includes $600 million for hiring and retention, is on top of $1 billion already provided for such grants through the stimulus package.

Obama’s Office of Management and Budget said that hiring more police officers “will help states and communities prevent the growth of crime as the nation’s economy recovers.” But as the Justice Policy Institute points out, “protecting public safety and supporting continued economic growth can be more cost-effectively accomplished by investing in positive community services and jobs that do not lead to more incarceration.” As with the Byrne grants, increased COPS fund-ing is likely to “increase the prison population, without a significant drop in crime.”

Other regressive funding measures include a $528 million increase for the U.S. Bureau of Prisons (BOP), U.S. Marshals Service, Office of the Federal Detention Trustee and U.S. Parole Commission, for a total of $6.8 billion. The addi-tional funding includes money to operate two new prisons (including a supermax facility in Thompson, Illinois to house terrorism detainees presently held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba); to contract for 1,000 more private prison beds; and to hire 652 more BOP guards and fill 1,200 vacant job positions. The BOP already houses more than 200,000 prisoners and spends over $800 million a year on contract beds, largely to house illegal immigrants convicted of federal crimes.

Unfortunately, as the Justice Policy Institute put it, “increased funding for more prison beds has been shown to be a self-fulfilling prophecy: If you build it, they will come.” Further, funding for additional federal prison beds sets a bad example, especially at a time when cash-strapped states are trying to cut corrections costs and reduce their prison populations.

Obama’s budget also calls for a special line item allotment of $20 million to help coerce states into compliance with the Adam Walsh Act, even though studies have found there is little relationship between keeping children safe and the sex offender registration requirements embodied in the Act. Thus far only three states are in compliance with the Adam Walsh Act, indicating that most don’t consider it a priority. [See: PLN, July 2010, p.24].

As for justice-related programs that may actually work to prevent and decrease crime, thereby reducing crime rates, funding is being pared back or not increased. For example, Obama’s FY 2011 budget allocates $290 million for juvenile justice programs, down significantly from $423 million in FY 2010. Also, reentry initiatives, including those under the Second Chance Act, are set to receive only $100 million, while a paltry $57 million has been designated for drug court programs.

To put that in perspective, the $100 million for reentry services, to help released prisoners return to their communities without reoffending, constitutes just .34 percent of the DOJ’s total $29.2 billion FY 2011 budget request.

In all, President Obama, like his predecessors, is singing the same old song when it comes to criminal justice priorities. Nationwide an estimated $60 billion is spent on corrections, primarily on the state level.

Sources: Justice Policy Institute, “The Obama Administration’s 2011 Budget: More Policing, Prisons, and Punitive Policies” (February 2010); Washington Post;; USA Today


Well-Known Member
how much of that is going to Private Prisons?

You can try to make this about Obama

But what you really want to do is Suck Ron Pauls shriveled cock


New Member
Only involvement with the private prison industry for the Feds is Immigration Detention

So if Obama is not deporting or detaining illegals unless they have other crimes

That means

LESS detained Illegal Immigrants

So can you Please Tell me again how Obama is in bed with the private prison industry?

If he is

They could use a better freind
In October 2011 President Obama tapped Broderick Johnson as a senior advisor for his re-election campaign. According to OpenSecrets, a clearinghouse for lobbying data, Johnson lobbied extensively on behalf of the GEO Group since the

. And Johnson’s so-called “advisorship” comes on the heels of President Obama’s 2010 nomination of Stacia Hylton as the new Director of the United States Marshals Service (USMS). Just months before her nomination Hylton started a private prison consulting firm— Hylton Kirk and Associates—while working at the Department of Justice (DOJ) as the Federal Detention Trustee. After retiring as a trustee, Hylton agreed to a consulting contract with The GEO Group worth $112,500.

Since President Obama’s first day in office the Corrections Corporation of America and The GEO Group have been awarded $1.7 and 1.8 billion dollars in federal contracts, respectively. And beginning in October 2011 the Corrections Corporation of America has taken its place as the government’s top contractor whereas the GEO Group comfortably maintains the third-place position. Finally, according to USAspending, over one-quarter of private prison contracts have been established under “non-compete” agreements.The Obama Administration’s complicity with the private prison industry must not go unnoticed today or this November.


New Member
Corrections Corporation of America and The GEO Group have been awarded $1.7 and 1.8 billion dollars in federal contracts



New Member
how much of that is going to Private Prisons?

You can try to make this about Obama

But what you really want to do is Suck Ron Pauls shriveled cock
It sucks when you can't win an debate on it's merits, doesn't it?
The minute you resort to unwarranted childish name calling, you've conceded the argument!


New Member
It sucks when you can't win an debate on it's merits, doesn't it?
The minute you resort to unwarranted childish name calling, you've conceded the argument!
Also Did you happen to know that since President Obama’s first day in office the Corrections Corporation of America and The GEO Group have been awarded $1.7 and 1.8 billion dollars in federal contracts, from obama's own budget?


New Member
Likewise, thanks to the obama administration, beginning in October 2011 the Corrections Corporation of America took its place as the government’s top contractor whereas the GEO Group comfortably maintains the third-place position. Finally, according to USAspending, over one-quarter of private prison contracts have been established under “non-compete” agreements. (That last bit is for you pro-private prison free marketers)

The Obama Administration’s complicity with the private prison industry must not go unnoticed today or this November.



Well-Known Member
Likewise, thanks to the obama administration, beginning in October 2011 the Corrections Corporation of America took its place as the government’s top contractor whereas the GEO Group comfortably maintains the third-place position. Finally, according to USAspending, over one-quarter of private prison contracts have been established under “non-compete” agreements. (That last bit is for you pro-private prison free marketers)

The Obama Administration’s complicity with the private prison industry must not go unnoticed today or this November.

Since the Private prison industry runs the immigration detention facilitys, something that was started before Obama was President
If we defund them now
Where do we put the detained Illegal Immigrants?
Are you suggesting we dont detain them anymore
or build more facilities


Well-Known Member
Since the scope of the Private prison Industry is limited to Immigration detention facilities in regards to the federal goverment
And since The private prison system helped craft SB1070

Do you think it would be good for business with Obama

1 Having the justice department fight sb1070
2 mandating that Illegal immigrants no longer be detained unless they are a threat

Wouldnt both those actions impact the Private prison industries bottom line negativly?


Well-Known Member
We should stop arresting people for crossing an imaginary line just as much as we should stop arresting people for a plant. I find it awesome that you are legitimizing private prisons now that we all know that Obama supports private prison lobbyist.


Well-Known Member
We should stop arresting people for crossing an imaginary line just as much as we should stop arresting people for a plant. I find it awesome that you are legitimizing private prisons now that we all know that Obama supports private prison lobbyist.
Why dont you go and check the OP and who started the thread to begin with


New Member
Since the Private prison industry runs the immigration detention facilitys,
something that was started before Obama was President
If we defund them now
Where do we put the detained Illegal Immigrants?

Are you suggesting we dont detain them anymore
or build more facilities


yes don't detain, no don't build more "facilities"

Slavery is morally wrong any way you shake it