Wheezers better late then never 6 outdoor plants


Well-Known Member
OK, Here's how I do it. I cutthe plant down, then cut it into pieces around 3-4 ft. long and hang it up. (or if the plants are small you an hang the whole thing). leave them hanging till the fan leaves ae crunchy dry, but the stems are still bending, but getting stiff. Cut it on down into 1-1 1/2 ft. pieces, leaving it on the big stems still, and lay them in the ben. You can remove the fan leaves before this step, which is the best way, but I don't always have time. Fill the bens up good, don't leave alot of space left over. Close the bens loosely at first, and check them regularly...like every few hours at first, but at least a couple times a day, and roll it all over and move it around some, and reclose it. The closer it gets to being dry, the further apart your visits have to be. Keep doing this, until the stems snap when you try to bend them, and then close em' up tight and store in a cool dry place, checking on it every so often.
Remember, when your curing weed, if it gets too dry feeling, put it in air tight container. If it is still too wet, (branches not snapping) keep opening it up, and closing it back, till it dries. Once it's dry to the point the stems snap, you can put it away till your ready to trim it.
So with this method what would you estimate per bin? It sounds alot like what I do except for the bins but it is easier trimming and if I need to save a plant i can this way. keepem green dirrrtyd


Well-Known Member
Does doing that way, without trimming the leaves first affect the smell and taste of the end product? Personally, trimming the buds when the leaves are sticking out is faster and easier for me. Once they wilt over the buds, it just seems harder and a lot more time consuming to trim


Well-Known Member
I bought some big "water tight" tubs from the container store in walnut creek a while back and was gonna remove the foam seal and replace with a rubber one and try to store in those puppies. I've also been considering buying those 5+ gallon dog food storage things and sealing everything up in those bad boys as they also block light. what's your opinion on those ? last year I used half gallon jars and honestly I dont like it. I also used plastic gladware of an equal volume and those turned out really nicely so that opened me up to the idea of using plastics.


Well-Known Member
I had some bud that fell under my bed before I got to trim it. About a week and a half later I found it and it actually smelled better than my buds I trimmed while wet that was curing already.

I don't think ill be trimming wet this year


Well-Known Member
trimming wet bruises the plant tissue as well, and it makes it look darker.
I do knock the fan leaves off as I'm handling iot if I can, I do prefer to ake all the fan leafs off, but can't always. I havn't noticed a difference in taste unless it gets too dry for some reason.
I use Rubbermaid roughneck bens.
Amount they hold depends on the size of the ben, some hold a pound, some hold like 4. Depends on the bud too.
I think I got everyones questions.


Well-Known Member
Hey there wheezer thank u so much. Definately answered all my ques and then some. I feel it is deifnately doable by myself. I can't wait 2 use your wisdom sir!

I dont know

Well-Known Member
Excuse us as we are bombarding you with questions wheezer. Its just you know so much we want to learn from the best.


Well-Known Member
So in learning can some one tell me why they let the container dry out if using one or the soil for that matter in the ground? dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Why do most folks say they are letting the soil dry out? I know you probably have a great answer Wheezer but lets get a few first please. dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Why do most folks say they are letting the soil dry out? I know you probably have a great answer Wheezer but lets get a few first please. dirrtyd
u mean before harvest?, if thats what ur talking about ive thought of doing it because i figured letting the soil dry completely, means there wont be as much residual moisture left in the plant, and mostly not as much in the center of the stems. so when drying, especially if ur gonna hang the whole plant, theres less chance for moisture to get trapped and cause mold. thats my reasoning atleast


Well-Known Member
So in learning can some one tell me why they let the container dry out if using one or the soil for that matter in the ground? dirrtyd
Do you mean as you are growing or just before harvest? I have seen nice growth spurts when a plant gets to the point of barely wilting and then is flooded with water, versus regular watering...although I'm sure that works better for some strains but not others.

If you mean letting the container dry before harvest, IMO it's an old wives tale, kind of like putting a nail through the stem or boiling the roots to Increase potency. A healthy plant up to harvest is a happy, potent plant


Well-Known Member
Do you mean as you are growing or just before harvest? I have seen nice growth spurts when a plant gets to the point of barely wilting and then is flooded with water, versus regular watering...although I'm sure that works better for some strains but not others.

If you mean letting the container dry before harvest, IMO it's an old wives tale, kind of like putting a nail through the stem or boiling the roots to Increase potency. A healthy plant up to harvest is a happy, potent plant
I usually don't water 5-7 days before harvest. No idea if it effects potency, but I was told to do it from my yoda-masters because it starts the drying process sooner.


Well-Known Member
i dont because im a lazy ares drunk and just wanna smokem so i cook it under my HID...lol J/k same reason as big jon... Yoda said. LOL

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
Let's see some updates of the monster trees your growing. I seen the bud shots in the other thread, looks awesome.