Saliva or indica? Male or female?


Active Member
Well dude gave me this plant and didn't no the sex. It's a little ugly thing but if its female I think I can get it looking good anyway here is some pics let me no what you think. I don't no how old it is or anything but It might be too young but idk I just fear it's a male so if it is I gotta get ride of it cause I got a plant almost done!



Well-Known Member
Indica dominant. Pre flowers not determined yet. Leaning toward female at this time. Monitor closely.


Well-Known Member
Salvia ?

Do you mean Sativa ?
Stay away from salvia lol

Too early to tell imo what till she starts to flower
I notice fat leaves in veg tend to skinny out more like sativa leaves when flowering starts sometimes


Active Member
Come on kush if you are going to mess with someone bcuz of their grammer yours should be correct also!


Well-Known Member
Too early to tell sex - and don't be hasty. Three plants that I was pretty sure were males surprised me this year.

Your plant looks definitely indica dominant. I've never had a sativa dom start that way, but time will tell.


Active Member
Indica dominant, hard to tell the sex yet.

Your soil looks suspicious though, what the heck is it?

It's mg potting mix I have tons laying around from tomato plants. I did my last grow in it and it was fine only thing that fucked it up was mold from rain I'm thinking cause I've been on a boat for the last 2 days while it rained and it was under cover but when i came back most was moldy so had to cut down.

Btw any idea what can I do with moldy weed? I gotta oz maybe 2