Question about joints in a pipe


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this is the wrong forum. I recently watched a documentary about the decriminalization of drugs in Portugal. Throughout the program, they showed shots of people smoking pot in public in various places. In almost every instance, there was at least one person smoking a pipe that looked basically like a small glass jar with a bent straw for a mouthpiece coming out the top. The thing is, rather than a bowl with weed in it, there was a place to stick a joint. Kind of like the picture, just imagine no bowl. Or perhaps there is a bowl and they just stuck a joint in it. Either way, I'm wondering what I'm missing here. I mean there must be something to it, some reason they smoke this way. Like I said, I saw it in every shot they showed of people toking up. To me though, it seems redundant, and I'd imagine it tastes like ass. I mean why smoke the paper if you're going to use a pipe? Anyone know anything about this?



Well-Known Member
Sorry if this is the wrong forum. I recently watched a documentary about the decriminalization of drugs in Portugal. Throughout the program, they showed shots of people smoking pot in public in various places. In almost every instance, there was at least one person smoking a pipe that looked basically like a small glass jar with a bent straw for a mouthpiece coming out the top. The thing is, rather than a bowl with weed in it, there was a place to stick a joint. Kind of like the picture, just imagine no bowl. Or perhaps there is a bowl and they just stuck a joint in it. Either way, I'm wondering what I'm missing here. I mean there must be something to it, some reason they smoke this way. Like I said, I saw it in every shot they showed of people toking up. To me though, it seems redundant, and I'd imagine it tastes like ass. I mean why smoke the paper if you're going to use a pipe? Anyone know anything about this?

I have a piece similar to that. A joint doesnt go in there, a screen goes in the bowl and u put water in the bottom. Its a mini bong.


Well-Known Member
I know, that's how I'd smoke it. It looks very similar to what they were smoking though. Sometimes colored, sometimes clear glass. And believe me, they'd put a joint in it pointing straight up, light the j, and smoke away! I didn't really give a shit about the content of the show after a while, I wanted to know what the hell was up with the Portugese's strange ass smoking habits.


bud bootlegger
the only thing i can think of is that the water filters out some of the tars and other nasty sutffs in the smoke, therefore smoking that way one gets a cleaner hit..

idk though, the joint part is pretty stupid though, why smoke paper if you're smoking a bong??


Well-Known Member
maybe so their fingers don't smell like shit afterwards or so they don't need a roachclip... no burnt fingers...???

Q: why do they call a roach clip a roach clip?
A: cause pot holder was already taken

stay high


Well-Known Member
this one is probably extreme from what you saw but something like this....? Looks good to me...5497234531_7ca96ee2a1.jpg stay high

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I find that joints have better tasting smoke, at least for the first half of the joint, passing through weed before it reaches your mouths. I also dont like smoking out of metal bowls, maybe they dont either. Im guessing they want better tasting smoke that is filtered in water.


Well-Known Member
it would keep the smell off your fingers....

the better filter thing is a crock of shit, only vapes are less harmfull than joints, bomgs comes in 3rd place.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
it would keep the smell off your fingers....

the better filter thing is a crock of shit, only vapes are less harmfull than joints, bomgs comes in 3rd place.
I just use a chillum. It cools the smoke, can be packed for one hit and can fit in my pocket. Mine looks like a swirly marble.

Joints taste like ass and smoke is too hot.

Bongs and bubblers are too big and just advertize you're a pot head.


Well-Known Member
Maybe because with a joint, you only got to light once.. And the hits are more peaceful and calm. It's more of a drag and less of a hit if you get what I'm saying.

So it takes the ease of a joint and mixes it with the greatness of a bong.

IDK, fuck them, I'm gonna stick with packing bowls.


Well-Known Member
Very few things will give you the crawling down your spine hit of a bong, but few things will make you cough like one either.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
the only thing i can think of is that the water filters out some of the tars and other nasty sutffs in the smoke, therefore smoking that way one gets a cleaner hit..

idk though, the joint part is pretty stupid though, why smoke paper if you're smoking a bong??
with a joint, each hit tastes just like the last. with a bowl, the taste degrades with each hit and at some point you have to make a decision about whether you will continue to smoke or empty it out and start again. also you don't have to keep relighting it, just knock of the ash here and there and keep going. thin papers are key, though, because paper does ruin the taste if it's like newspaper.

it really does hit your lungs and throat differently, also. it's not something i do all the time, but it's a nice treat if i have a bowl with a big enough hole.