Why so much racism?

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Well-Known Member
The word "nigger" doesnt really phase me anymore online . But if somebody gets in my face and calls me one best believe I will leave their head where their feet should be.
I've gotta ask why?

What does that accomplish? By accomplish I mean there's gotta be a goal to knocking a guy out for calling you a nigger, right? Do you think it'll cause that guy to never call another person nigger again or do you think it would have the opposite effect and solidify his preconceived notions (however ignorant they might be) about black people?


Well-Known Member
He deserved to get pulled over and given a ticket, he didnt deserve to get beaten almost to death just because of his complexion.
that's not what happened he ran from the cops through the middle of the city drunk as fuck. He deserved an ass beating.


Well-Known Member
I'm so mad we can't run from the cops lets light our neighbors house on fire... makes sense.


Well-Known Member
I've gotta ask why?

What does that accomplish? By accomplish I mean there's gotta be a goal to knocking a guy out for calling you a nigger, right? Do you think it'll cause that guy to never call another person nigger again or do you think it would have the opposite effect and solidify his preconceived notions (however ignorant they might be) about black people? [COLOR]

To make them think twice before they call somebody else one.
When that "ni"starts to roll off their tounge they'll think "wait, I got punched in my shit last time I used that word towards that black guy. Maybe I should just stick to being racist on the internet. It's a lot less painful. "
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