Active Member
Well you see, no one race is being rounded up, and forced to live in poverty. That's why it's dumb.Whats dumb about that?
I understand where you are coming from, but that is not how it really works. That's just your delusional perception, because you have bought into that paradigm, by being surrounded by a lot of people who follow the same paradigm your buying into on the foundation of a fallacy.
In 2012, you make the choice to live in poverty by accepting government assistance for the entirety of your life, and magically expecting to make lots of money while not working any type of real job. Real life doesn't work that way, only when you're living in the fairy-tale land of getting "free" government shit.
It doesn't take much an an IQ to get out of a government-subsidized situation. It's just the fucking morons who receive such assistance, then bitch about being in poverty, are just too fucking dumb, to figure anything out on their own, anyways. There are plenty of racket-schemes you can run on government subsidization programs, if you want to go the dirty route of getting off assistance, but beyond that it just takes some team work with your family members, and a little intelligence.
If most the people receiving government-assistance, would lose their "my dick is bigger than yours" attitude, they would find themselves doing just fine. The ego is a funny thing, especially when it causes your problems & makes you blame those problems on others.