The UK Growers Thread!

max green

grow is fucking taking a life time, nowhere near ready but fuck it. As for pics in my case is jailbait, ive had 2 laptops and three phones taxed by the pigs which landed me in a shit load of trouble for the last time we got busted cos of a smelly english basta who grassed us in. No thing as fair competition when mofos from down south come over here and grass us in. Rant over the fucking english cunts, lesson learnt the hard way. Hows ur grow? did u chop urz?


Well-Known Member
grow is fucking taking a life time, nowhere near ready but fuck it. As for pics in my case is jailbait, ive had 2 laptops and three phones taxed by the pigs which landed me in a shit load of trouble for the last time we got busted cos of a smelly english basta who grassed us in. No thing as fair competition when mofos from down south come over here and grass us in. Rant over the fucking english cunts, lesson learnt the hard way. Hows ur grow? did u chop urz?
Aye m8 all down and drying. DOGS and Livers/blues........nothing worse than a grass. Best thing to do is tell everyone you have hung up the scissors and sell it all to me


Well-Known Member
fuck it just flipped my 5 to 12/12. there all about 12" to 18" tall. normally wait till there about 2' but fuck it. 4 blue widow clones and one qq. the blue widow are clones so i know there gonna be females but dunno bout the qq, time'll tell. think my others will get chopped a week on sunday, there looking fuckin good, need to put weight on but there only 5 and half weeks so it should be about now they really start fattening also ive just started them on pk13/14. my 7 clones are lookin ok although i think one of the exos wont make it, then again you never fuckin know with clones. i only need 6 so i dont give a fuck. and welsh dragon just gave me a handful of seeds so im ready for my next two grows..........strangely organised for once. must be the relative sobriety.

max green

Aye m8 all down and drying. DOGS and Livers/blues........nothing worse than a grass. Best thing to do is tell everyone you have hung up the scissors and sell it all to me
I like the sound of that except the selling all to u lol (what will the smelly buckie drinking neds gonna smoke then), Dogs plenty of them here as for blues, you have a winner. Good on ya (lucky bas ye)


Well-Known Member
I like the sound of that except the selling all to u lol (what will the smelly buckie drinking neds gonna smoke then), Dogs plenty of them here as for blues, you have a winner. Good on ya (lucky bas ye)
I got all the strains me. lol DOG, Blues, SLH, Exo, Psyco. Thankyou fairy(you know who uz are)


Well-Known Member
alright lads n ladies , just thought id let you know whats going on , little lad was born yesterday but had trouble breathing , he has a infection in his lungs and is on the neonatal ward at minute , he's covered in wires n tubes , there helping him breath at minute but they need to clear his infection before they can see if he is ok to breath on his own , , hes going to be hooked up to a drip @ 7pm tonight that feeds him antibiotics , but he's deffo going to be in there for a while ... best case scenario is he will be home by weekend but they said he could be there 10+ days or longer ... just depends ...

Thanks for the txt n message sambo , ill bell you again later if i get a chance :)
Thanks for the txts Pukka and thanks for letting the lads know on here :)
Thanks to everyone who has wished us well on here and in PM :)
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Well-Known Member
No worries mate, hes in good hands just try an keep ya spirits up sure he'l be sound! sendin some love from me an the fam bro hope he gets well soon!!


Well-Known Member
Fuck me new gears turned up today a week late an the 6" filter is fuckin huge god knows how im gunna fit it in the room or bloody hang it lol the old 4" was tiny compared guess i should have read the dimensions lol


Well-Known Member
i gave billy a hand to set upa tent a while ago, bloody enormous thing, and he'd a huge fuckin can filter, think it was 8", it was like fuckin gas cylinder.


Well-Known Member
Yeh mate this is as fat but not as tall as 1 of those big gas bottles the orange fuckers theres some weight to it aswell not gunna be able to hang this 1 with string like the 4" gunna need some chain or rope lol


Well-Known Member
I went to hang my 8" filter on bungees but like a twat I bought pretty thin bungees and had to double it up twice cos the fuckin thing kept hittin the floor, this things about a metre long as well. I'd say go for chains


Well-Known Member
Ive got bunges for the fans mate but thought no point for the filter i was thinkin somethin solid will be best like a bracket an sit it on and the duct runs straight up out the cieling in a tent bunges would be spot on with there bein no solid walls im sound bein in the room tho mate thats all ive come up with upto now still ponderin, ant even checked it will fit lol