What's better, synthetics or organics?



Help me settle a debate I was having with a friend!

This is a question specifically for the guerilla growers out there. While I appreciate the input of the back yard outdoor growers, I'm more interested in the opinions of folks who need to carry water/soil/nutes a ways in order to work their craft.

Do you prefer the simplicity and ease of using synthetic nutes for your guerilla grow, or do you prefer the extra challenge, better taste, and pride in using strictly organics? Why?

If synthetics, what type of nutes have you had the most success with?

If organics, what type of feeding regimen are you using?




Active Member

Help me settle a debate I was having with a friend!

This is a question specifically for the guerilla growers out there. While I appreciate the input of the back yard outdoor growers, I'm more interested in the opinions of folks who need to carry water/soil/nutes a ways in order to work their craft.

Do you prefer the simplicity and ease of using synthetic nutes for your guerilla grow, or do you prefer the extra challenge, better taste, and pride in using strictly organics? Why?

If synthetics, what type of nutes have you had the most success with?

If organics, what type of feeding regimen are you using?



hey man im on the hike every 2 days and we use strictly all organic..
1st we started out carrying a shovel and carrying in bagged soil which was Black earth top soil mixed with Composted manure and Peat moss stirred in with the natural brown dirt!
2nd we added seaweed as a mulch on a couple(side by side comparison) and as a liquid fertilizer on all (was 10 now 7 after males were pulled)
3rd we used blood meal and bone meal and bananas for our NPK seaweed for micro nutes and hormones and beneficial bacteria
4th also we used the liquid seaweed as a pesticide sprayed on the leaves at the same time as foliar feeding...

Thats our regimen in a nut shell we have to carry water in so we just add the liquid seaweed to the water and top dress with the bone meal and blood meal bananas are broken down in a bucket of water and fed as a liquid as well..

have never used synthetics outdoors never had much success indoors with it either lol always end up burning up or dying from defieciency or lock outs i find organic better because its harder to overdo with nutes and a natural process which is less work, the bacteria in the soil does all my feeding the plants i just feed them lol!!

Ps. The bacteria also love molasses as well for multiplying!!:weed:


hey man im on the hike every 2 days and we use strictly all organic..
1st we started out carrying a shovel and carrying in bagged soil which was Black earth top soil mixed with Composted manure and Peat moss stirred in with the natural brown dirt!
2nd we added seaweed as a mulch on a couple(side by side comparison) and as a liquid fertilizer on all (was 10 now 7 after males were pulled)
3rd we used blood meal and bone meal and bananas for our NPK seaweed for micro nutes and hormones and beneficial bacteria
4th also we used the liquid seaweed as a pesticide sprayed on the leaves at the same time as foliar feeding...

Thats our regimen in a nut shell we have to carry water in so we just add the liquid seaweed to the water and top dress with the bone meal and blood meal bananas are broken down in a bucket of water and fed as a liquid as well..

have never used synthetics outdoors never had much success indoors with it either lol always end up burning up or dying from defieciency or lock outs i find organic better because its harder to overdo with nutes and a natural process which is less work, the bacteria in the soil does all my feeding the plants i just feed them lol!!

Ps. The bacteria also love molasses as well for multiplying!!:weed:

Thats awesome and sounds very much familiar! I hope all your hard work pays off for you. I've seen issues using molasses in the compost teas. I think a thing to be very careful of is making sure the tea brews long enough to fully use up the sugars in the molasses. No amount of chicken wire will keep the ants out :). Also, I've seen issues with the sugar in the molasses causing soil to hydrolock (if that's the word for it) by basically bonding the top layer of the soil together.


Well-Known Member
i say you do a mix some good ol compost and good oraginc soil mix upped and a once a week feeding of some synthetics at low dose.

i like inhaling weed dont know about you guys but technically synthetics contain less impurity's than organics so you decide which the plant absorbs more toxins from....(the answer i neither because the plants cells dont thrive off things they cant convert)


Active Member
yes thats true but when i add molasses to a brew it starts to bubble for days and sometimes weeks especially with a fresh brew of seaweed,
once the bubbling stops i know its ready to use but the longer it soaks the stronger the mix gets.. havent had any real big problems yet hopefully not at all lol

never have ant problems here in the woods so thats a bonus for us see small black ants around town but not in the mountains where we are but thinking about the chicken wire for rabbits though had 1 plant get the side chewed off he never ate anything just chewed off the branch!!:fire: lol


i say you do a mix some good ol compost and good oraginc soil mix upped and a once a week feeding of some synthetics at low dose.

i like inhaling weed dont know about you guys but technically synthetics contain less impurity's than organics so you decide which the plant absorbs more toxins from....(the answer i neither because the plants cells dont thrive off things they cant convert)
Ive read a lot about heavy metals in organics from the manures and guanos. So your answer is a little of both? Politician, I like it!


yes thats true but when i add molasses to a brew it starts to bubble for days and sometimes weeks especially with a fresh brew of seaweed,
once the bubbling stops i know its ready to use but the longer it soaks the stronger the mix gets.. havent had any real big problems yet hopefully not at all lol

never have ant problems here in the woods so thats a bonus for us see small black ants around town but not in the mountains where we are but thinking about the chicken wire for rabbits though had 1 plant get the side chewed off he never ate anything just chewed off the branch!!:fire: lol
Im a big advocate of chix wire, it's a pain getting it out there, but once it's out there, it's out there. After the season is done, fold it flat, bury it in the brush, and let the snow cover it up! The longer it's out there, the rustier it gets which makes it almost invisible.


Well-Known Member
no point in not using whats available i like that its cheap when you combine and that you can also get all the benifits i also thing a synthetic is a synthetic so,long as i covers a broad nutrient spectrum, not all that A and B and micro shit i use Ionic, or anything else in that arena also why i advocate low dose cause they are never lacking.

i also use compost teas and topdress with all kind of shit. but i only use synthetic one every other week. and compost tea on the other weeks.

but oh well man you want the cleanest of the clean hydro and synthetic nutes all the way to a major flush at the end. me im more about the plant will do its thing, its evolved to soil and organics, so i utilize those in addition to synthetics.


Well-Known Member
Organic. I dont like inhaling chemicals into my lungs.
lol that is classic!

An organic chemical, is defined as being constructed of molecules that possess carbon-based atoms.Specifically, it is composed of carbon atoms attached to hydrogen atoms, together with a variety of other elements from functional groups, such as oxygen, nitrogen, sulfer, etc. Usually, an organic chemical is covalently bonded, meaning that electrons are shared between atoms. This characteristic is why organic chemicals can be structured in a variety of long chains and rings and form bonds with the great stability.


no point in not using whats available i like that its cheap when you combine and that you can also get all the benifits i also thing a synthetic is a synthetic so,long as i covers a broad nutrient spectrum, not all that A and B and micro shit i use Ionic, or anything else in that arena also why i advocate low dose cause they are never lacking.

i also use compost teas and topdress with all kind of shit. but i only use synthetic one every other week. and compost tea on the other weeks.

but oh well man you want the cleanest of the clean hydro and synthetic nutes all the way to a major flush at the end. me im more about the plant will do its thing, its evolved to soil and organics, so i utilize those in addition to synthetics.

Im thinking a similar plan will be used next year. I saw a serious N def this year trying to use solely organics in veg. I think a reasonable low dose slow release source of nitrogen would be a big help, but the guanos and seaweed extracts are just so good in flower to use anything else IMHO.


Active Member
i may try a boost of synthetic on a couple of the girls like poly says and compare the difference at harvest!!:idea:


Active Member
the organic versus chemical thing again.....in my opinion as i have grown both...the results from organic were only a little better...i think the plant doesnt care if the nitrogen is of an organic source....u see nitrogen is nitrogen ..doesnt matter were it came from...same goes with ALL the other majors and micros..one nitrogen is not better than the exzact same other nitrogen!!!!!...the organic had an edge as far as less watering...thats it thats all.....


Well-Known Member
yep me too im having to use a ton of N material just to keep the def away its pricier i will be getting some grow formula soon to combine with a high P tea in flower.