Letting buds die off naturally


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i have a very small outdoor plant thats flowering already, if i let it go through the natural cycle will it revert back into veg after the flowers all die off and reflower next season?

Reason being is because i got a clone and stuck her outdoors beg july and it went through stress so is only about a 7 to 8 inches tall and im not gonna be yielding much anyway.

Also if i do this, should i just feed it veg nutes through its first flower?


Global Moderator
Staff member
Hey guys i have a very small outdoor plant thats flowering already, if i let it go through the natural cycle will it revert back into veg after the flowers all die off and reflower next season?

Reason being is because i got a clone and stuck her outdoors beg july and it went through stress so is only about a 7 to 8 inches tall and im not gonna be yielding much anyway.

Also if i do this, should i just feed it veg nutes through its first flower?
Cannabis is an annual that dies after it completes its flowering cycle.
Without photo period manipulation the plant will not reveg, it will die.


Active Member
It needs to be kept under 18-6, or 24-0 after it flowers for it to revert to veg and grow another season. You have to bring it in over the winter and set it back in spring. If you keep it outside over winter the days are very short and the plant will just die.


Well-Known Member
Im not gonna yield more than 5 or 6 grams off of it and the amount i spent on soil and nutes isnt worth the amount of bud im getting. I would rather just veg it longer and get bigger juicier buds next year but i dont have a spot to manipulate the photo period like that so i guess im just gonna have to harvest it.

I didnt realize putting out a clone from a mature mother would flower so soon, live and learn ayy


Well-Known Member
Im not gonna yield more than 5 or 6 grams off of it and the amount i spent on soil and nutes isnt worth the amount of bud im getting. I would rather just veg it longer and get bigger juicier buds next year but i dont have a spot to manipulate the photo period like that so i guess im just gonna have to harvest it.

I didnt realize putting out a clone from a mature mother would flower so soon, live and learn ayy
you can still harvest those 5 or 6 grams and keep the plant growing, I do it every year.


Well-Known Member
How would i do that without choppin most the plant? Will this work outdoor as well if i put it in a greenhouse?


Global Moderator
Staff member
I understand what reveging is, im just curious if the plant will reveg through the winter after taking the buds and leaving whatever leaves i can
It will if you have it under more than 12 hours of light per day - 18 would be my choice for lights on in a 24 hr period.


Well-Known Member
give it more light then she is getting now (hopefully over 7hours per day now goes to 12+) will allow her to reveg


Well-Known Member
Im not gonna yield more than 5 or 6 grams off of it and the amount i spent on soil and nutes isnt worth the amount of bud im getting. I would rather just veg it longer and get bigger juicier buds next year but i dont have a spot to manipulate the photo period like that so i guess im just gonna have to harvest it.

I didnt realize putting out a clone from a mature mother would flower so soon, live and learn ayy
I flowered a 6 inch clone and got an oz...I did it on purpose though...so after stretching it is only that tall? Because the clone that started flowering at 6 in ended at 16 inches.


Well-Known Member
Her first bunch of pistils popping out were on august 4th so im claiming that as day 1 of flower so definately hasnt stretched yet. Should i expect a pretty big increase in size and hopefully pull an ounce as well?

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