Growing advise from Kaendar. Would you listen to him?

Should you take ADVICE from Kaendar

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ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Or maybe, youre just an asshole that is mad at the world for watever reason..
i am pretty mad at the world to be honest , im mad coz i was lied to by teachers and other adults when i was a kid , and im mad at the world for still following religion .


Well-Known Member
We see this the same way. His abrasiveness is cosmetic, but his insistence on a mixed bag of good and bad facts could cost somebody. cn
Hmmm.. I have always wondered this.. you accuse everybody else on here of not admitting when wrong and shit... but I have never once seen you admit to be wrong. Anytime somebody questions you, you throw a hailstorm of unnecessarily large words that the average person might not readily understand. Do you feel you can never be wrong?

edit: Im not saying I dont understand, but a lot of folks probably dont, and I dont blame them, cuz the average blue collar guy isnt walking around using the most old fashioned and complicated word for simple things.


Ursus marijanus
Hmmm.. I have always wondered this.. you accuse everybody else on here of not admitting when wrong and shit... but I have never once seen you admit to be wrong. Anytime somebody questions you, you throw a hailstorm of unnecessarily large words that the average person might not readily understand. Do you feel you can never be wrong?
If you go through my posts, you'll find many many instances of my retracting a bad point. The record is there and unfalsifiable. I've even done it for you.

Ironically, i have never seen you back all the way down. So far, I cannot accuse you of graciousness. cn


Well-Known Member
Kaendar. Where I live some ants are ok but most aren't. I see ants all the time farming aphids for their honeydew or what ever it is they excrete. Every spring I have to nail my pepper plants once a week with insecticidal soap till it gets too hot for little bastards to stick around.

Now to the thread topic. I have seen some good things that Kaendar has suggested but where I think it gets derailed is he tries to give a sure fire answer to a problem and it causes an argument. Everyone knows there is more then one way to solve a problem or a host of problems. I think if he just found a different way to approach things and not argue to the teeth about it he will be good to go. Kaendar you do seem like your a pretty savvy and book smart person you just seem to knock heads with the more experienced growers on RIU. Other than that I think Kaendar is a genuinely good person who is trying to help.


Well-Known Member
if you dont know enough about his postings look at my signature! the kid is a fuckin twack. he has no clue what hes talking about

lol only 1 real person said yes, because we already know kaender takes advice from kaender


Well-Known Member
if you dont know enough about his postings look at my signature! the kid is a fuckin twack. he has no clue what hes talking about

lol only 1 real person said yes, because we already know kaender takes advice from kaender
Dude ur sigs are lies.. I hope u kno its against site rules to do that shit


Global Moderator
Staff member
if you dont know enough about his postings look at my signature! the kid is a fuckin twack. he has no clue what hes talking about lol only 1 real person said yes, because we already know kaender takes advice from kaender
You enjoy slandering others?
Those quotes are just that. If you don't like the guy, why don't you do the research & find what he really said?
That's just Chicken-shit.

Are you Harry Reid by any chance ?


Weed Modifier
if you dont know enough about his postings look at my signature! the kid is a fuckin twack. he has no clue what hes talking about

lol only 1 real person said yes, because we already know kaender takes advice from kaender
your signature quotes are altered/edited?


Well-Known Member
dude does not know his business. seems to me that he just spews information randomly. also just yesterday he tried to accuse the whole board of being racist. sounds to me like he is insecure about himself. just an observation of a lurker....

:: creeps back into the bush's ::


Well-Known Member
dude does not know his business. seems to me that he just spews information randomly. also just yesterday he tried to accuse the whole board of being racist. sounds to me like he is insecure about himself. just an observation of a lurker....

:: creeps back into the bush's ::
I didnt accuse the whole board, I accused the 4 or 5 people that were making racial slurs towards blacks.


Well-Known Member
Growing advice aside, I find it difficult that you are considering taking advice from a 22-year-old!! :lol:

Or allow his posting to annoy you, he's just another forum participant who is very young, and certainly does not deserve this much attention.



Well-Known Member
Growing advice aside, I find it difficult that you are considering taking advice from a 22-year-old!! :lol:

Or allow his posting to annoy you, he's just another forum participant who is very young, and certainly does not deserve this much attention.

I think this thread has served it's purpose. :)

K we cool? :)
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