God how the gun toters long for this scenario, they thrive on even the exotic and adventurous and self righteous prospect of a CIVIL WAR! The reality of it is that we already have seen that militia and military will do as they are told by their officers, up to and including shooting you, especially if you are defending yourself with a weapon. Those who refuse will be quickly punished. Do yourself a favor and don't count on your brothers in the military.
meanwhile people like you believe we simply should submit, for in submission we might find a little comfort. your view may hold sway in the salons and parlours that you frequent, but in the beer halls road houses and barn burnin hoedowns i attend your view is held in contempt.
when it comes down to cases,, if the US congress and Barry Seotoro launch the initiative that has been so long a dream for the "progressives' and he tells the military on law enforcement agencies to go round up guns, he will face a revolution and eventually get the Mussolini treatment when the first person says NO and a firefight ensues.
Waco and Ruby Ridge were footnotes in YOUR history but they account for whole volumes in the history of those of us who refuse to submit to tyranny. you may smugly believe that you can coerce others as easily as you yourself were, but you will be sorely mistaken. most of the guns in this country may be held by the military and the "lawer infercement offisers" who do the bidding of whever signs their checks, but the guns that count are held by persons unknown in locations which are secret. even the ultra leftists cant convince themselves that they will ever know how many guns are in this country, or who has them. they cant even stop cocaine from coming into this country,, and you think they can stop me from getting more weapons than i already have, or even stop me from MAKING MORE? shit son, i could make weapons with ease in my garage shop, and as for explosives, i can and have made the necessary explosives to clear oak stumps, crack stones for building and excavate solid rock. it ainnt that hard, even with my limited and entirely ad hoc knowledge of explosives and chemistry. i shudder to think what cannabineer might concoct in his winter den under the ice.
your cause is hopeless, which is why the progressives and their fellow trravellers are trying to slowly erode our rights and our willingness to defend them