Either I'm paranoid or.......


Well-Known Member
lmfao......No it is my home that I have a problem......I don't make ANY exceptions for intruders.....unless they are kids.....then I will just have my nephew rough them up a bit lol.......I tend to get real mad, real fast when it comes to my family......Weed is nothing.....I can always start up an indoor grow when it cools down......but my family is everything, if I lose them there is no coming back......people misunderstood the OP of this thread and started to attack me.

easy to misinterpret things esp when your not in person speaking to the other.. (wife gets all pissy at me when I dont elaborate on a text.. seriously hate cell phones!! ) so then I have to spend another 30 minutes retyping my actual intent.. (do love my new smart phone I can use google speak and it works well.. less b.s from the wife now)
peoples context gets off kilter as well.. someone could be a total joker in real life and then make a joke post here and folks get their cackles up.. which.. is easy to do.

but also I think had I remembered that you did this post (and had you not been normal in all the other post ya made) I think I would not have spoken to ya much which would have been a loss..


Well-Known Member
easy to misinterpret things esp when your not in person speaking to the other.. (wife gets all pissy at me when I dont elaborate on a text.. seriously hate cell phones!! ) so then I have to spend another 30 minutes retyping my actual intent.. (do love my new smart phone I can use google speak and it works well.. less b.s from the wife now)
peoples context gets off kilter as well.. someone could be a total joker in real life and then make a joke post here and folks get their cackles up.. which.. is easy to do.

but also I think had I remembered that you did this post (and had you not been normal in all the other post ya made) I think I would not have spoken to ya much which would have been a loss..
Haha. Naw I even joked about it afterwards......I wouldn't have spoken to me either if that was how I am all the time lol.......Family is a touchy subject.....I have had to many family members pass and get injured from home invasions.......I'm not going to let it happen to my wife or children.....not on my watch. I'd sacrifice my life for their's any day.


Well-Known Member
I hear about the shit in fresno all the time.. I dont get the folks mentallity these days.. I am pretty sure.. this is the beginning too..
Not just in Fresno.. but all over.. hell maybe it's just me and all but.. wtf is going on these days???
cant turn on the tv without hearing about a murder rape kidnapping massive shooting terrorism etc.. I know I am getting older and perhaps seeing the world differently but.. I dont let my kids outta my sight.
I remember moving here back in the late 80's and hearing about how bad the crime was at the Fresno Mall.. people driving up and stealing peoples stuff as they left the store.. then it turned into shootings etc..

now it's here.. we just had a few gangers go to the Visalia mall and shoot.. and my Sister in laws family was there during this..

the more people feel this world is theirs and theirs alone.. the worse this is gonna get..

each one of us individually has the potential to either fuck things up or make them better.. or watch it all go to crap..


Well-Known Member
I hear about the shit in fresno all the time.. I dont get the folks mentallity these days.. I am pretty sure.. this is the beginning too..
Not just in Fresno.. but all over.. hell maybe it's just me and all but.. wtf is going on these days???
cant turn on the tv without hearing about a murder rape kidnapping massive shooting terrorism etc.. I know I am getting older and perhaps seeing the world differently but.. I dont let my kids outta my sight.
I remember moving here back in the late 80's and hearing about how bad the crime was at the Fresno Mall.. people driving up and stealing peoples stuff as they left the store.. then it turned into shootings etc..

now it's here.. we just had a few gangers go to the Visalia mall and shoot.. and my Sister in laws family was there during this..

the more people feel this world is theirs and theirs alone.. the worse this is gonna get..

each one of us individually has the potential to either fuck things up or make them better.. or watch it all go to crap..
I totally agree......it is outrageous just to want to kill for no reason at all.......I have been jumped so many times by the Bulldogs in Fresno......Man I have had to fight 3 against 30 one time.....me, my bro, and my brother-in-law literally had to fight our way to the car.....they were like 4 or 5 cars deep and surrounded us. They do ridiculous things......they did some outrageous shit to a friend of mine's, who is a gang member(good guy though, has a great heart), mother's house.........2 weeks later their entire neighborhood lit up like the 4th of July lmao.......they now know not to mess with peoples families.....but you will still get those 2 or 3 punks every now and then trying to "come up" on others valuables. This is why I moved to the country.


Well-Known Member
I hear about the shit in fresno all the time.. I dont get the folks mentallity these days.. I am pretty sure.. this is the beginning too..
Not just in Fresno.. but all over.. hell maybe it's just me and all but.. wtf is going on these days???
cant turn on the tv without hearing about a murder rape kidnapping massive shooting terrorism etc.. I know I am getting older and perhaps seeing the world differently but.. I dont let my kids outta my sight.
I remember moving here back in the late 80's and hearing about how bad the crime was at the Fresno Mall.. people driving up and stealing peoples stuff as they left the store.. then it turned into shootings etc..

now it's here.. we just had a few gangers go to the Visalia mall and shoot.. and my Sister in laws family was there during this..

the more people feel this world is theirs and theirs alone.. the worse this is gonna get..

each one of us individually has the potential to either fuck things up or make them better.. or watch it all go to crap..


Well-Known Member
I hear about the shit in fresno all the time.. I dont get the folks mentallity these days.. I am pretty sure.. this is the beginning too..
Not just in Fresno.. but all over.. hell maybe it's just me and all but.. wtf is going on these days???
cant turn on the tv without hearing about a murder rape kidnapping massive shooting terrorism etc.. I know I am getting older and perhaps seeing the world differently but.. I dont let my kids outta my sight.
I remember moving here back in the late 80's and hearing about how bad the crime was at the Fresno Mall.. people driving up and stealing peoples stuff as they left the store.. then it turned into shootings etc..

now it's here.. we just had a few gangers go to the Visalia mall and shoot.. and my Sister in laws family was there during this..

the more people feel this world is theirs and theirs alone.. the worse this is gonna get..

each one of us individually has the potential to either fuck things up or make them better.. or watch it all go to crap..
It's the news, turn that shit off it ain't telling you anything NEW is it? just lists all the bad shit that they can find that day which of course does lead to more violence because of the fear mongering but same shit different day except we do not live in a democracy any more, we are not free but then they don't seem to be reporting on that little tidbit. :wall:


Well-Known Member
It's the news, turn that shit off it ain't telling you anything NEW is it? just lists all the bad shit that they can find that day which of course does lead to more violence because of the fear mongering but same shit different day except we do not live in a democracy any more, we are not free but then they don't seem to be reporting on that little tidbit. :wall:
True, the media feeds these fears and people get more tense and more likely to do something violent. And you have the copycats who want to shoot up a theater or whatever because it was a big story when someone else did it.

I try to ignore that shit and be happy in my own little universe. And I try and treat others with kindness, dignity and respect. Do that and for the most part you'll get the same back.


Well-Known Member
True, the media feeds these fears and people get more tense and more likely to do something violent. And you have the copycats who want to shoot up a theater or whatever because it was a big story when someone else did it.

I try to ignore that shit and be happy in my own little universe. And I try and treat others with kindness, dignity and respect. Do that and for the most part you'll get the same back.
Yeah.....for the most part.....in my town they are all drugged out....I have seen a man snatch a 85 year old lady's necklace right off her neck


Active Member
if i get a guard dog would it be fucked up to leave it on just a side of the yard all day?i dont want to get one if it will suffer


Well-Known Member
if i get a guard dog would it be fucked up to leave it on just a side of the yard all day?i dont want to get one if it will suffer
Yeah.....I used to keep my dog in a fenced off area of my yard....but now I just fenced/boxed off my gardens and she can roam the whole yard........If you keep your dog just on one side that gives the advantage of the other "free" side to an intruder........and if you keep your dog fenced up on one side it might start digging out that sum bitch lol.......dogs need some room to roam.......nobody likes to shit where they sleep you know what I mean??


Active Member
I'm gonna have to serve my neighbor.....I'm camping out with the 40-40 winchester tonight. this sum bitch peaked over my fence. I know this because there is an approximately 8in.x8in. piece of wood missing off the top of my dog eared fence where he must have been hangin too capture a glimpse of my garden......either that or his kids were bullshittin tryna get their toy or ball or something........either way the tent is set up and the 40-40 loaded. Fuck that! What makes me even MORE pissed is the fact that I let this sum bitch borrow my chain saw last month. I don't wanna end up having to shoot his ass either tho because I just got out in February and I aint goin back. What should a I do? any advice. warning shot? crack him on the head with the butt of my 'chester? I really would hate to have to :clap: this sucka. but i will if I have to.....fuck the plants, this is my family home I'm talkin bout and I'll be damned if I let another man just intrude like it's the thing to do. help me out here. im at a loss:wall:
Sounds like your about to head back to the joint. An ex con as you say with a gun equals more vacation time with bubba. Thats where you belong if your going to shoot someone over a fucking plant. Besides there is no such thing as a 40-40 winchester


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your about to head back to the joint. An ex con as you say with a gun equals more vacation time with bubba. Thats where you belong if your going to shoot someone over a fucking plant. Besides there is no such thing as a 40-40 winchester
read the whole thread before chiming in...

he admits to being a tad worried.. and yeah he admits to being overboard..

hey FF change the title so this thread dies..

thereore this also must not be real



Well-Known Member
Sounds like your about to head back to the joint. An ex con as you say with a gun equals more vacation time with bubba. Thats where you belong if your going to shoot someone over a fucking plant. Besides there is no such thing as a 40-40 winchester
Haha troll......