Question on drying


Active Member
I know the correct way to dry is to hang the branches etc etc.. I was wondering if anyone actually cuts the buds off the stem and dries them laying on cardboard or a window screen? I know this isn't the best way to do it, but it would cut down on drying time. Is there a benefit to leaving them on a stem that's saturated with water? I know it wouldn't be practical if you had several plants to harvest, but what about just one or two plants? The reason I want your expert advice is I have one plant ready in a week or so and another 5 in 3 weeks. So I would like to dry the first girl faster and move to jars.

Thanks in advance! :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Will drying buds individually affect how they smell after cure? I'm not worried about flavor as much as smell.


Well-Known Member
ok u want to dry your buds for 14 days to get the chlorophyll out. the best way to do this is to leave plant hung full for 3 days, trim off fan leaves, 2-3 more days, trim of sugar leaves. hang for the rest of time until the stem bends and snaps, not just snaps. u want ur room humidity right around 50%, fully dark, and fresh air circulating. if u can get it to stay drying like this for 14 days then cure it for a month your product will be awesome... if you want to do it fast trim everything wet, hang the whole thing for 4-7 days then trim off buds into a paper bag. take paper bag and open it every day till buds get crispy. repeat daily till it starts to not get moisture back. then u jar it and burp it till the humidity in the jar reaches the proper % .. i forget what it is look it up. then u cure it.


Active Member
So I guess that's not a good idea.. I guess I will just stick with my tried and true method. lol I usually cut branches and hang them from a line in a dark cool closet in my basement. Then move them to paper bags after a final trim then into jars. Just trying to cut down time for this one harvest because I have visitors coming and can't very well have stanky sticky buds hanging around!


Well-Known Member
I know the correct way to dry is to hang the branches etc etc.. I was wondering if anyone actually cuts the buds off the stem and dries them laying on cardboard or a window screen? I know this isn't the best way to do it, but it would cut down on drying time. Is there a benefit to leaving them on a stem that's saturated with water? I know it wouldn't be practical if you had several plants to harvest, but what about just one or two plants? The reason I want your expert advice is I have one plant ready in a week or so and another 5 in 3 weeks. So I would like to dry the first girl faster and move to jars.

Thanks in advance! :eyesmoke:
Check out vegetable dehydrators. Very low voltage, enclosed and stackable.

Zig No Zag

Active Member
Oh boy! I'm really confused now... there has to be a step by step video I can watch. I thought all you did when your plants were ready was to hang them up until they dried and that was it. Whats the difference between drying and curing?? Isn't it the same thing?

The Count

Well-Known Member
Drying is drying ... curing is letting em sit in a jar which pulls the moisture from inside the bud to the oustide and eventually out. If you just hang dry em and dont cure theyll still be wet inside. I prefer to just trim em one time... big leaves and sugar leaves cause when the stems are fresh they cut easily. If you let em sit for a day or two they become kinda mushy and dont cut as easily. I just trim em up nice and close the first time... leave em to dry 5-7 days and then whack em off their stalks into jars. Usually wait atleast 2 weeks till I distribute to some friends but since I use a vaporizor I smoke that shit after its done hang drying.


Active Member
If you want to dry some faster you can cut and trim buds wet and lay them on a screen or old fan cover/grate. This method works pretty good for small crops. I harvested some small buds that were ripe the other day and left the rest to go another week.
