so it's mitt romney and paul ryan


Well-Known Member
GOP made it very easy for me to decide who to vote for. Someone need to tell Ryan that he is part of the problem with his voting record whilst in congress


Well-Known Member
Paul Ryan is known for two things in Washington
Being a smart guy
Demanding his staff read Atlas Shrugged before being hired on


Well-Known Member
“There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.“


Well-Known Member
What about the "job creators?"

You know, the ones sitting on tons of money, raking in record profits for themselves while watching the average Americans pay stagnate.
A question occurs to me. How does increasing the tax rate on future earnings of the wealthy, lead to them unlocking the vaults and putting all that fabulous wealth to work? Does higher income tax and higher capital gains tax actually encourage the rich to invest more? I could see the argument being made (incorrectly imo) that it wouldn't discourage investment, but how does it encourage the rich to invest and get those piles of accumulated wealth out into the world to help us all?

I just don't see it.


Well-Known Member
A question occurs to me. How does increasing the tax rate on future earnings of the wealthy, lead to them unlocking the vaults and putting all that fabulous wealth to work? Does higher income tax and higher capital gains tax actually encourage the rich to invest more? I could see the argument being made (incorrectly imo) that it wouldn't discourage investment, but how does it encourage the rich to invest and get those piles of accumulated wealth out into the world to help us all?

I just don't see it.

Why Yes it does


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I call horseshit.

Don't bother with a C&P job either, you're the only one who reads your posts.

The only historical data that would support that is revised historical data. Like FDR bullshit.
show me some historical data about the success of trickle down economics that little lord fauntleryan wants to put on steroids.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
A question occurs to me. How does increasing the tax rate on future earnings of the wealthy, lead to them unlocking the vaults and putting all that fabulous wealth to work? Does higher income tax and higher capital gains tax actually encourage the rich to invest more? I could see the argument being made (incorrectly imo) that it wouldn't discourage investment, but how does it encourage the rich to invest and get those piles of accumulated wealth out into the world to help us all?

I just don't see it.
If tax cuts for "job creators" actually encouraged investment the Bush tax cuts would have created a boom. What did those cuts actually give us? Not jobs, not better wages. Remember the months of over 500,000 jobs lost? Those tax cuts serve only 1 segment of society, and it isn't any of us here

You know what stimulates the economy best? A middle class that has expendable income. Profits have risen, the rich have gotten richer, and the rest of us basically had stagnant income.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
What about the "job creators?"

You know, the ones sitting on tons of money, raking in record profits for themselves while watching the average Americans pay stagnate.
Record profits? no
Making 1.5% in a 10 year note? most likely

Why would they put their money to work in this environment? We've got an incumbent who lacks any sound knowledge of economics, a federal reserve artificially keeping rates low, and a looming "fiscal cliff". You will not see any further investment and growth until these things are changed. Enjoy your 4 more years of this..



Well-Known Member
If tax cuts for "job creators" actually encouraged investment the Bush tax cuts would have created a boom. What did those cuts actually give us? Not jobs, not better wages. Remember the months of over 500,000 jobs lost? Those tax cuts serve only 1 segment of society, and it isn't any of us here

You know what stimulates the economy best? A middle class that has expendable income. Profits have risen, the rich have gotten richer, and the rest of us basically had stagnant income.
Our wages will not stagnate
under all Republican plans
The money we paid in will be tossed out and we will have to shoulder the cost of the promises made to us
Our wages will go down

Our great govenor Scott Walker has solved wisconsins "budget crisis" by forcing us to pay more in fees

What an asshole
He didnt reduce shit
all he did was shift the burden while giving his rich asshole buddies more money


Well-Known Member
Record profits? no
Making 1.5% in a 10 year note? most likely

Why would they put their money to work in this environment? We've got an incumbent who lacks any sound knowledge of economics, a federal reserve artificially keeping rates low, and a looming "fiscal cliff". You will not see any further investment and growth until these things are changed. Enjoy your 4 more years of this..

Why is it I only hear of this "fiscal cliff" when republicans are running against incumbent democrats?