Anybody help me with this, about 3 weeks into flower?


Active Member
Well I have this plant that's about 3 weeks into flower.. But the bottom branches all of a sudden.. The pistils have all turned red and the leafs are curling.. The buds seem to be's not my watering... It has been really hot out lately but it's not affecting my other plants.. Or the tips to this one.. Its a clone and Im hoping it's not going herm.. But can anybody help me out who knows something on outdoor grows.. The buds seem to still be growing...Or do you know if they will finish.



Well-Known Member
You have some serious leaf curl going on there buddy.This is due to a nutrient deficiencies and/or lock out from high/low soil PH. I need a little more info to give you a better idea what might be the problem. It COULD be from the heat and just wants more water. If the top has more of this problem then the bottom its a micronutrient deficiency. If it start from the bottom and goes up then its a N-P-K deficiency.

How tall is your plant?
Do you test your PH, If so what is it?
What fertilizer do you use?
How much and how often?
Do you see this problem only at the bottom of the plant? or is it at the top also?
Are the newer leaves yellow? (I see some yellowing around your bubs that doesn't look normal to me)

More pics would help too...if you have the time.


Active Member
You have some serious leaf curl going on there buddy.This is due to a nutrient deficiencies and/or lock out from high/low soil PH. I need a little more info to give you a better idea what might be the problem. It COULD be from the heat and just wants more water. If the top has more of this problem then the bottom its a micronutrient deficiency. If it start from the bottom and goes up then its a N-P-K deficiency.

How tall is your plant?
Do you test your PH, If so what is it?
What fertilizer do you use?
How much and how often?
Do you see this problem only at the bottom of the plant? or is it at the top also?
Are the newer leaves yellow? (I see some yellowing around your bubs that doesn't look normal to me)

More pics would help too...if you have the time.
No I haven't checked the ph.. I'm using fox farm ocean forest,, was feeding with fox farms grow big then switched to ff tiger bloom.. Only the bottom small branches are showing that.. The tops are fine, it's Been hella hot out this last week like 106• the last couple there in 25 gallon pots was using ff feed schedule.. That plants has been really healthy up in till this last week.. But I can't think of what it is or y the leads are curling so bad..I'll try and post pic later on.. The leafs are green around new growth... Only a few a curling..


Well-Known Member
it's NOT a deficientcy of any kind...heat stress, and or over nitro.....prolly mostly heat from the looks of it. It should be fine.

Well-Known Member
I dont understand why people are having problems outdoors and are blaming it on the heat. It is 108 degrees where I am right now and half my plants are supposedly indoor strains. They are mostly all budding and they are doing great. You probably watered her way to much...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was thinking it looks more like heat stress then a nutirent problem, but I just wanted more info to make sure. Other then the leaf curl the plant looks great (from what I can see). Go out tonight and see if the leafs have flatted out any.Don't stay to long tho. If they haven't flatted out any, then i would say its to much water.


Well-Known Member
I thought my problems were heat stress too, but I've learned it is Hemp Mosaic Virus or HSV Hemp Streak Virus, it cripples the plant but doesn't kill it, also effects yield but not potency. It is carried by parasites and there really is no remedy,kinda lost my enthusiasm this year as it spread to my entire crop. If you google HSV or Hemp Mosaic , you'll see what I'm talking about.


Well-Known Member
I dont understand why people are having problems outdoors and are blaming it on the heat. It is 108 degrees where I am right now and half my plants are supposedly indoor strains. They are mostly all budding and they are doing great. You probably watered her way to much...
If they are watered enough...or not too much....outdoors, heat stress shouldn't happen. Highs in parts of the country are normally upper 90's and low 100's. The plants can handle that fine