Rawr Mwootens 2012 outdoor! (2nd gen , first thread disappeared)


Well-Known Member
Yea, this is gonna smell great but its gonna smell big.. earlier when it was in preflower these things stunk big time but they smell amazing! I'm really looking forward to these!


Well-Known Member
Hindu skunk / sharks breath

Double dream

I tied the lanky one back to let the lowers catch up a bit.

Chubba and the potted guy is a kgdp

all 5 chubbas and the kgdp

Blue berry on foreground and romulans I'm background.


Blueberry flowers

Romulan stalk

The tree of life chubba

There's more but.. I'm doing this through my phone...


Well-Known Member
I had that blue dream in this pot and I figured I'd put something in it after that puppy died. and thus ... 3 romulan clones lol
