so it's mitt romney and paul ryan


Well-Known Member
Romney, someone worth a quarter billion dollars paid 13.9 percent in the only year he has released where the rest of us pay far more, up to almost 30 percent is not "fair" now is it.
we can fix the fairness by doing what muyloco wants and implementing the little lord fauntleryan plan. in that scenario, romney would pay only 0.82% in taxes, which is ultra fair.


Well-Known Member
Romney, someone worth a quarter billion dollars paid 13.9 percent in the only year he has released where the rest of us pay far more, up to almost 30 percent is not "fair" now is it.
And raising taxes on people making more than 250k does diddly to change what he pays. It's all idiotic rhetoric to drive a wedge. If you want more money from him change the tax codes that says his income is not income, it's gains. This makes way more sense to me.

He paid 7 million in taxes and gave 7 million to charity in the last 2 years. The average American paid around 18k and gave 3k to charity. He paid over 700 times the average American. He doesn't drive the roads 700 times as much, his vote doesn't count 700 times more than mine, the fire department doesn't come to his house 700 times faster etc. What would be FAIR is if we all paid the same rate.

But raise the rate on those people who own the diner or the laundry mat or the steel processing plants who most of us owe our livelyhoods too under the guise you are going after the uber wealthy if it makes you happy. The only way to get more money out of the elites is to determine what constitutes income, you guys are not even trying to do that. It's illogical and dishonest.


Well-Known Member
Born and raised in Orange County Ca, thank you. Spent my high school years in Corvallis, OR. Then stationed at the Pentagon. Then all but the last 6 years in Fairfax, VA. Not exactly redneck or hillbilly fodder. Anything else to deflect there, genius?

FBI territory isnt it?

How does raising tax rates on future earnings of the wealthy, solve stagnant wages and unlock the vast hoarded wealth to increase aggregate demand. Are you actually making the case that higher taxes makes rich people want to pay their employees more? That the government taking a higher percentage of their income, somehow makes them go out and spend more? That higher capital gains taxes makes the wealthy want to invest more? Not less or the same, but actually more? That MUST be the case you're making since there's no other explanation for your above statement, I'd sure like to hear how you got there.
Higher taxes on the wealthy have been shown to increase our standard of living
You can't dispute historical trends
It's factual
Oh wait
you're an idiot


Well-Known Member
And raising taxes on people making more than 250k does diddly to change what he pays. It's all idiotic rhetoric to drive a wedge. If you want more money from him change the tax codes that says his income is not income, it's gains. This makes way more sense to me.

He paid 7 million in taxes and gave 7 million to charity in the last 2 years. The average American paid around 18k and gave 3k to charity. He paid over 700 times the average American. He doesn't drive the roads 700 times as much, his vote doesn't count 700 times more than mine, the fire department doesn't come to his house 700 times faster etc. What would be FAIR is if we all paid the same rate.

But raise the rate on those people who own the diner or the laundry mat or the steel processing plants who most of us owe our livelyhoods too under the guise you are going after the uber wealthy if it makes you happy. The only way to get more money out of the elites is to determine what constitutes income, you guys are not even trying to do that. It's illogical and dishonest.
you don't think those businesses he makes money off of don't cumulatively use the roads 700 times more than the average american?

you need to cite your figures, too. the average american makes about $50k last i checked. $18k is 36% of that. so that would mean the average american is paying nearly 3x the rate of romney (on romney's most expensive year, we all know he paid next to nothing in years which he wasn't running for president).


Well-Known Member
And raising taxes on people making more than 250k does diddly to change what he pays. It's all idiotic rhetoric to drive a wedge. If you want more money from him change the tax codes that says his income is not income, it's gains. This makes way more sense to me.

He paid 7 million in taxes and gave 7 million to charity in the last 2 years. The average American paid around 18k and gave 3k to charity. He paid over 700 times the average American. He doesn't drive the roads 700 times as much, his vote doesn't count 700 times more than mine, the fire department doesn't come to his house 700 times faster etc. What would be FAIR is if we all paid the same rate.

But raise the rate on those people who own the diner or the laundry mat or the steel processing plants who most of us owe our livelyhoods too under the guise you are going after the uber wealthy if it makes you happy. The only way to get more money out of the elites is to determine what constitutes income, you guys are not even trying to do that. It's illogical and dishonest.

Thats Awesome math
I make 50000 times more than my duaghter

But answer this
What percentage of Romneys income does he pay in taxes
What percentage of income Do you and me pay in taxes

And your going to massage his ass why?


Well-Known Member
you don't think those businesses he makes money off of don't cumulatively use the roads 700 times more than the average american?
Businesses don't actually drive, people do. If the plant he helped build employs 700 people then the people who work there benefit the same from those roads as Romney, who paid by himself what all of those employees combined paid.


Well-Known Member
Businesses don't actually drive, people do. If the plant he helped build employs 700 people then the people who work there benefit the same from those roads as Romney, who paid by himself what all of those employees combined paid.
The people that you say work for him pay more than double the taxes percentage wise than he does


Well-Known Member
And raising taxes on people making more than 250k does diddly to change what he pays. It's all idiotic rhetoric to drive a wedge. If you want more money from him change the tax codes that says his income is not income, it's gains. This makes way more sense to me.

He paid 7 million in taxes and gave 7 million to charity in the last 2 years. The average American paid around 18k and gave 3k to charity. He paid over 700 times the average American. He doesn't drive the roads 700 times as much, his vote doesn't count 700 times more than mine, the fire department doesn't come to his house 700 times faster etc. What would be FAIR is if we all paid the same rate.

But raise the rate on those people who own the diner or the laundry mat or the steel processing plants who most of us owe our livelyhoods too under the guise you are going after the uber wealthy if it makes you happy. The only way to get more money out of the elites is to determine what constitutes income, you guys are not even trying to do that. It's illogical and dishonest.

You failed to answer the question. Is it "fair" for a Romney to pay a fraction in percentage of his income as someone who makes far less?

Now what wedge are you talking about? Who exactly is "driving a wedge" between the middle class and the rich? could it possibly be.... the rich themselves?


Well-Known Member
Thats Awesome math
I make 50000 times more than my duaghter

But answer this
What percentage of Romneys income does he pay in taxes
What percentage of income Do you and me pay in taxes

And your going to massage his ass why?

I'm trying to get you to change the tax code to where his income is counted as income, not gains. I would do more to put a dent in his wallet than raising his effective rate ever would. Yet you accuse ME of massaging his ass. Raising the effective rate on people making more than 250k does absolutely nothing to the Romney's and Buffetts of the world. You understand this don't you?

I hope you have your helmet on while typing, it's dangerous stuff.


Well-Known Member
Businesses don't actually drive, people do. If the plant he helped build employs 700 people then the people who work there benefit the same from those roads as Romney, who paid by himself what all of those employees combined paid.
first off, romney doesn't help build shit. the man has never had a callous in his life except from signing pink slips.

secondly, people drive goods for businesses. staples gets deliveries from trucks that put more wear and tear on the roads than 20 regular cars would.

third, a vote for romney is a vote for the ryan budget, which would reduce romney's tax burden to 0.82% while average folks making $50k or so would still be in the 20-25% range.

justify the fairness of that.


Well-Known Member
Businesses don't actually drive, people do. If the plant he helped build employs 700 people then the people who work there benefit the same from those roads as Romney, who paid by himself what all of those employees combined paid.

If he makes more then he uses more of what resources we have in America, be they security or order. The guy living in the penthouse with the view owes more than that guy that lives in the basement to the owners of the building. Why is this such a hard concept? On the one hand when it is convenient, Romney is an individual, but when it is not, he is a corporation. "corporations are people too" was met with another comment of his "I am not a business".

No one gets to have it both ways.


Well-Known Member
You failed to answer the question. Is it "fair" for a Romney to pay a fraction in percentage of his income as someone who makes far less?

Now what wedge are you talking about? Who exactly is "driving a wedge" between the middle class and the rich? could it possibly be.... the rich themselves?
The wedge is creating a false scenerio to further an agenda. I'll ask you the same question I asked Chesus. How does raising the effective rate on income taxes even touch the investment baker?


Well-Known Member
Now what wedge are you talking about? Who exactly is "driving a wedge" between the middle class and the rich? could it possibly be.... the rich themselves?
it's only class warfare if you point it out or, god forbid, try to fight back.

it's amazing how they've duped a bunch of simpletons to carry their water for them.

can't even explain the successes of trickle down, want to put the policy on steroids.



Well-Known Member
I'm trying to get you to change the tax code to where his income is counted as income, not gains. I would do more to put a dent in his wallet than raising his effective rate ever would. Yet you accuse ME of massaging his ass. Raising the effective rate on people making more than 250k does absolutely nothing to the Romney's and Buffetts of the world. You understand this don't you?

I hope you have your helmet on while typing, it's dangerous stuff.
Yeah that is why they are fighting tooth and nail to make sure it doesnt happen

Right Einstein?


Well-Known Member
If he makes more then he uses more of what resources we have in America, be they security or order. The guy living in the penthouse with the view owes more than that guy that lives in the basement to the owners of the building. Why is this such a hard concept? On the one hand when it is convenient, Romney is an individual, but when it is not, he is a corporation. "corporations are people too" was met with another comment of his "I am not a business".

No one gets to have it both ways.
Romney is a goof, I'm not trying to defend him personally while you attack him personally.

He paid at least 700 times more than the basement dweller did to have those securities. How much more you want? What is fair to you?


Well-Known Member
The wedge is creating a false scenerio to further an agenda. I'll ask you the same question I asked Chesus. How does raising the effective rate on income taxes even touch the investment baker?
it doesn't, which is why we need to tax capital gains just the same or higher than income derived from actually working.

ya see, carpenters actually produce stuff (buildings and shit). nurses actually produce stuff (healthier people). teachers actually produce stuff (educated populace).

vulture capitalists like romney don't produce shit. they rape companies for all they are worth, fire all the employees, and leave the taxpayer with the cost of their vulture practices.

don't tax the producers harder than you tax the vultures.


Well-Known Member
Romney is a goof, I'm not trying to defend him personally while you attack him personally.

He paid at least 700 times more than the basement dweller did to have those securities. How much more you want? What is fair to you?
He didnt pay shit for those securitys
he used other peoples money to buy them or got them from daddy

“'We were happy, studying hard. Neither one of us had a job, because Mitt had enough of an investment from stock that we could sell off a little at a time.
“'The stock came from Mitt’s father. When he took over American Motors, the stock was worth nothing. But he invested Mitt’s birthday money year to year — it wasn’t much, a few thousand, but he put it into American Motors because he believed in himself. Five years later, stock that had been $6 a share was $96 and Mitt cashed it so we could live and pay for education.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that is why they are fighting tooth and nail to make sure it doesnt happen

Right Einstein?
Name calling is fun, wipe your chin and I'll try to explain. Romney's income is taxed at a capital gains rate. What Obama is calling for (and you) is a 3% increase in income taxes on those making more than 250k. How does this affect Romney when his money is not classified as income?