Buds for Less - first review


Well-Known Member
Hey markj I spent the extra few bucks and got it in the store, with shipping and all its about the same, did you use the $25 or more to get free shipping.

Now I bought this book because I am using soil and it is step by step. I think it would be a hit if this author wrote a book on simple aeroponic setup or gravity or even a low cost hydro set. I found that if you want to make a good hydro setup it will cost over $100 because the 2' x4' bins are $70 I am looking for a cheap alt.. But Soil is great for noob like myself and this book will get it done for you.

The indoor out door book from jung was amazing I looked at it in the store, but way to much info for me I dont have HIDs so it was just not something I would need, but great to just learn from and read anyway.

But over all buds for less is just step by step. I saw some good books that were easy and step by step and 4-5 star on amazon, but it was all hydro. That may be the book I will end up with if I go hydro. But buds for less with CFLs its great for noobs.
You will love it im sure.
yes, i used the free shipping because there were some other stuff that I wanted. I'm in my first grow right now, you can see my journal at my signature, I'm already in the 5th week, I had some little problems but everything is going fine now. I don't have much space so i think that I'd have heat problems using hps, that's why I use cfls. today i bought another one 360W equivalent to use it when I switch to 12/12 along with the ones I'm already using. I think it'll be a good read for my situation...



Well-Known Member
I am using a basic setup for CFLs from the book, But he does not say what kind he is using, So i am using half cool and half warm, will that be ok? I dont want to have to buy a bunch of cool and then a buch of warm during flowering, do you think a little bit of both will be good for the entire grow?


Well-Known Member
https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/69129-question-about-fan-buds-less.html#post787587 here is another post with pics..

Can i link my pics from one post so I dont waste server space and dont have to link to this thread.
Dude glad I caught up with you, I could tell you had SeeMoreBud's book from your setup. The author is a member of our forum, there are several threads about the book in this forum. Do a search for member GardenKnowm (aka SeeMore ) Now you need to start a journal and put this all together, We have a competition of sorts going on having to do with journals and second place is still open,lol. Anyway, page 130 of the welcome new members thread has an explanation of how to start a journal and post pics in the thread. Its a little long to repeat it. Welcome to our group, Happy growing. VV:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
My book arrived today!!! I'm already vegging for 6-7 weeks, so I can't follow it from the beginning and grow day by day as I turn the pages, but I'm sure I'll find a lot of interesting and helping things in it.
Today I'm thinking of cutting my first couple of clones so I'm gonna jump to that part of the book...



Active Member
I love this book, I'm about to start my first cfl grow and it's good to use as a reference.


has anyone on this forum ever managed to get such a huge yield with similar equipment and technique?


i don't know if you are familiar with thepiratebay.com but you can download all different torrents of sorts...e-books happen to be an downloadable option....you can download the above "Marijuana Buds For Less Than $100" for free...although you will have to read it off of the computer screen...it will be free so you can't complain! enjoy


Well-Known Member
I picked up the book from Amazon last winter and I'm very pleased with its contents.


Question about the book...could you do exactly as the journal does with any type of mj being either sativa or indica or a hybrid? in essence other than the flowering period being different or unique to whatever strain i choose to grow? help


Well-Known Member
this book is fucking amazing and is perfect for a noob no doubt!!!!!!!!!!! every cfl grower should have this in there library