DWC Problem........ Light or Nutes?


Put my jiffy pellet seedling into my dwc setup after a week of establishing itself in a humidity dome (outdoors). After 2 days in dwc (indoors), the 2nd set of leaves appeared to be drying up (first set & stem remained the same)(see photos), and reaching upward. After noticing this, I immediately made a humidity dome for it, as well as more water so the pellet bottom reaches the roots, which seemed to help and began growing upward a bit. However, 2 days later, growth seems to be very slow even though my tomato clones put in soil the same day seem to be doing ok. Now Im trying to rule out all other possibilities. (see photos) Here are my conditions.....

Nutes- Botanicare- Pure blend pro grow, Silica blast, Cal-mag plus
Light- 400w metal halide (24hour)
Temp-77 degrees near plant
Water Level- Rather high to keep the bottom of jiffy pot wet for roots to establish
Ph- 6.2

While checking everything I noticed a label on ballast that got me thinking, "Is it cuz its not getting proper UV light?" (see photos) The bulb came with the lamp as it was a used setup.........
Any other info needed to diagnose problem I can provide if Im missing anything.

Dont want to be wasting electricity If the bulb is incorrect from the start.

Thanks in advance,

sorry about pics being sideways




Well-Known Member
It needs to spread roots. Back off on the fertilizer to 1/2 or 1/3 strength til it starts branching. Don't give it supplements. Be patient.


Well-Known Member
Those leaves look really moist to me. Are you getting them saturated from the splash on the rings?
If you have nutes in the water, and they're getting on the leaves you could be causing buildup on the
leaves themselves which will fry them real fast.


Well-Known Member
your killing it. water on the leaves under a strong light, nutes when it shouldnt even have them at this point. the plant still has the nute leaves on it, when they start to wither is when it needs food.


Thanks everyone......... I changed the nute solution to just water. Leaves actually dried & broke off. However, there is another set growing right behind it. Still have been growing slowly.
How high should i actually have the water level anyway? Its a 8" net pot so its rather deep. I have it high enough to touch the bottom of jiffy pellet so it stays wet enough. Is it getting to much water? Think I'm going to try a clone if this doesn't improve in the next week. I have an outdoor that is looking awesome... gonna cut a couple off today so they will have roots in time if this one doesn't improve.

Anyone have an opinion on the light & the lack of UV rays?

Thanks again,


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone......... I changed the nute solution to just water. Leaves actually dried & broke off. However, there is another set growing right behind it. Still have been growing slowly.
How high should i actually have the water level anyway? Its a 8" net pot so its rather deep. I have it high enough to touch the bottom of jiffy pellet so it stays wet enough. Is it getting to much water? Think I'm going to try a clone if this doesn't improve in the next week. I have an outdoor that is looking awesome... gonna cut a couple off today so they will have roots in time if this one doesn't improve.

Anyone have an opinion on the light & the lack of UV rays?

Thanks again,
Have the water so it just touches the bottom of the netpot. It will soak up into the hydroton and reach the jiffy pot through osmosis. It needs to drop roots, once you see roots coming from the netpot....start with 1/3 strength fertilizer. Once it starts branching it is an adult and you can turn the fertilizer up to 2/3 strength. Once it starts to take off, you can go full strength.


Active Member
lol so high I just realized I dug up a 6 mo old thread and was searching bahaha
Probably ok IMO, because there are so many newbies out there, they SHOULD all read this! I almost fell out of my chair when reading and looking at his pictures!

LIKE WTF? REALLY? Zero Common sense? WOW!

As Jin had mentioned, "WTF are you even trying to grow!?"