So What Are YOU Drinking?


Active Member
I've been doing some searching and couldn't find any threads about beer drinking. I know a lot of us do it, stoned or un-stoned. So, what's y'alls favorite beer? Any particular brew for any particular occasion (football games, BBQ, poker night, etc)? And mods, if I missed a thread about beer, please, don't hesitate to show me the way. Thanks everyone. Let's talk about beer!


Ursus marijanus
I'm a Pilsner/lager fan.
My current "go-to" beer is Black Star out of Whitefish MT. A local grocer sells it "cheap", $6 a 6-pack, and I prefer it to the microbrew ales. My favorite beer, however 9and which i can only score sporadically because the nearest BevMo isn't close) is Warsteiner. cn

We have a ton of breweries in West Michigan and Grand Rapids was voted Beer City USA. If you are into beer check it out. I have been drinking a lot of Dirty Bastard from Founder's Brewery. It's a Scotish Ale that's about 8.5% so I only drink a few. If you see any New Holland Brewing or Bells in your area check them out.


Active Member
I'm drinking some homemade wine. I just finished filtering off the yeast, and boy is the shit awesome. For beer though, I'm a Heineken and Shiner Bock fan. I also like the good German imports. The light beers though. My stomach can't handle the dark ones. Though when I went to visit my family about 10 years ago, I went to Oktoberfest and let me tell you what. Holy Shit they got some awesome beer! I don't even mind drinking it at room temp. Lol. But here in the states, I like me some Heineken. I can't find Shiner Bock up here in NY. And if not Heineken, either Corona, Michelob Light (my mother in-law got me started drinking that stuff...not bad either), or some good ole Bud Light!


Ursus marijanus
I'm drinking some homemade wine. I just finished filtering off the yeast, and boy is the shit awesome. For beer though, I'm a Heineken and Shiner Bock fan. I also like the good German imports. The light beers though. My stomach can't handle the dark ones. Though when I went to visit my family about 10 years ago, I went to Oktoberfest and let me tell you what. Holy Shit they got some awesome beer! I don't even mind drinking it at room temp. Lol. But here in the states, I like me some Heineken. I can't find Shiner Bock up here in NY. And if not Heineken, either Corona, Michelob Light (my mother in-law got me started drinking that stuff...not bad either), or some good ole Bud Light!
We have a similar liking of the paler beers. I really like Mexican beer (favorite is Pacifico, and I used to like Carta Blanca when I could find it). Have you tried the Japanese beers? I like Sapporo, and look forward to downing a big can of it with tempura or sushi.
Had Heineken on tap once. Yum. I've run into trouble with bottled Heinie ... I'd get some fresh ones and some that had gone skunky. I don't like not knowing if I've just grabbed a good pack.
I'm on the far side of the country, so that will affect regional availability of things. otherwise I'd suggest scoring some Black Star; I'd be interested in your opinion. cn


Active Member
We have a similar liking of the paler beers. I really like Mexican beer (favorite is Pacifico, and I used to like Carta Blanca when I could find it). Have you tried the Japanese beers? I like Sapporo, and look forward to downing a big can of it with tempura or sushi.
Had Heineken on tap once. Yum. I've run into trouble with bottled Heinie ... I'd get some fresh ones and some that had gone skunky. I don't like not knowing if I've just grabbed a good pack.
I'm on the far side of the country, so that will affect regional availability of things. otherwise I'd suggest scoring some Black Star; I'd be interested in your opinion. cn
Yeah, buddy. I'm down to try new beers. We got a beer store here and a wholesaler that sells everything for cheap. I'm definitely gonna look up that stuff. I'm sorry to hear about your misfortunes with the Heine. I've gotten some pretty swill shit too though before. Bought one of those "Bubba Kegs" and first drink I realized I wasted like $25! I was pissed. Luckily I was working at the store that I bought it from and they gave me a refund. Bought a 30 rack of Bud Light instead.
So how does that Black Star taste? Can you think of anything to compare it to?


Ursus marijanus
Yeah, buddy. I'm down to try new beers. We got a beer store here and a wholesaler that sells everything for cheap. I'm definitely gonna look up that stuff. I'm sorry to hear about your misfortunes with the Heine. I've gotten some pretty swill shit too though before. Bought one of those "Bubba Kegs" and first drink I realized I wasted like $25! I was pissed. Luckily I was working at the store that I bought it from and they gave me a refund. Bought a 30 rack of Bud Light instead.
So how does that Black Star taste? Can you think of anything to compare it to?
Midway between Mexican and genuine German, like Warsteiner or Spaten. A happy medium. It pours a little darker than the pale beers, but fortunately doesn't have a hint of the heavy malty taste that makes me like ales that little bit less than lagers.

Twenty years ago i visited Vienna, and our host took us to a local brewpub. The beer there was fantastic ... like fresh bread liquefied. i drank two one-liter mugs of it, and was very glad after that for the Strassenbahn (streetcar system). cn


Well-Known Member
I love the places that have over a hundred different kinds of beers. Some have samplers you can buy to taste a wide variety. Bud is good for swilling but awful for taste. I like Belgium brews, lots of flavor...spicy and high alcohol content. Also like Hefewiezens, tags, pilsmers...and a good variety.

Only beers I dont like are IPA's. Not a big fan of the bitter hop taste

Tried Black Star, that's good. All the Heineken I've ever had has been nasty skunk beer. I'm guessing it takes a while to get from the brewery over to our shelves and it spoils...unless that's the way it's supposed to taste


Ursus marijanus
I love the places that have over a hundred different kinds of beers. Some have samplers you can buy to taste a wide variety. Bud is good for swilling but awful for taste. I like Belgium brews, lots of flavor...spicy and high alcohol content. Also like Hefewiezens, tags, pilsmers...and a good variety.

Only beers I dont like are IPA's. Not a big fan of the bitter hop taste

Tried Black Star, that's good. All the Heineken I've ever had has been nasty skunk beer. I'm guessing it takes a while to get from the brewery over to our shelves and it spoils...unless that's the way it's supposed to taste
I have the same trouble with Heineken ... but truthfully, less often lately. i think shipping practices and times are improving. But the fresh draft Heinie I had in Manhattan oh so many years ago was simply delicious. The other beer that gave me that trouble has been Pilsner Urquell. On tap in Vienna ... nice. Over here ... skunk sex. cn


Well-Known Member I have a 36 pack of Budweiser but don't drink bud much.....I like Tecate, Heiniken, and Tsing Tao


Active Member
Anyone like the Samuel Adams line-up? That's one I forgot to mention. I like the lighter beers in the collection. I can't think off the top of my head the last one I drank (it's been a couple years), but it was pretty good. They also have a Christmas beer or something. It's got a nice kick to it.


Well-Known Member
I'm a huge fan of micro brews. I've been drinking IPAs and pale ales mostly for a long time. There are so many up here in the NW I don't even know where to begin. Deschutes is really good, Elysian, Widmer bros has ssome good ones. Not a big fan of ales are good too. Most all beers I like. Domestics like Bud and coors of any type I stay away from unless already hammered. Then I'll drink all sorts of piss beer like PBR.