Drying crop outdoors.


Active Member
What are your guys' take on drying outdoors?
I've heard drying outdoors works well but I may not live in the best climate, I'm not too sure... but it comes down to the fact that drying outside would be the safest/most secure thing for me to do. My idea was to buy a screen tent, or use a large tent of mine, to create a place where drying would be made easy and possible outdoors.
Anyone done this before? tips ?


Well-Known Member
nope but when my grow is finished im putting it to hang in an outside shed maybe the humidity might be too low im not sure i dont know how to dry n cure properly trial and error my friend i say just go for it


Well-Known Member
I've dried outside. I was cautious about to much humidity, you don't want mold....I've got one of those bamboo blinds. You can wrap it around the bundles of top's ( with stems attached) lightly.. The air blows through well and keeps away humidity...I've got space & place problem's so I do my shit on the fly....I'm no expert but without a proper gro-op situation, C'est la vie......n'es pas. It worked for me in a pinch


Well-Known Member
i'm going to try this thinking about building a drybox with the mesh like metal thing or hanging think im going withe mesh but IDK


Active Member
Ya I suppose that is life. I'm not that near to the equator so i dont think the humidity will get too bad. but rain would definitely be a bad thing right?


Active Member
How much smell would all this drying MJ generate ? That would be 30 plants at around 2-8 ounces each. If i was drying this in a 10x12 room would it be noticeable ?


Active Member
That is if I were to dry indoors... hmmm outdoors seems nice though. If there's someone who has done this before let me know.!


Well-Known Member
I think drying outdoors you would not have to worry about smell, I'm going to build an outdoor drybox with some racks in there


Well-Known Member
How much smell would all this drying marijuana generate ? That would be 30 plants at around 2-8 ounces each. If i was drying this in a 10x12 room would it be noticeable ?
Before I say HELL FUCKING YES, I will ask what strain? Some fruiter or sativa strains smell but you would really have to know pot to know it was pot, whereas some indicas, one little plant drying smells like you reenacted the holocaust with skunks.


Active Member
haha "HELL FUCKING YES" so i've been thinking... Buy a tent and chuck a tarp over it to block more light. Also i would take these dehumidifiers you can buy(meant for a closet or 10x10 room) that dont require electricity and just chuck a couple of those in the tent, that way if it rains or the weather turns to mist things should be good.My idea would be stringingit across inside the tent and on top of having the dehumidifiers also chuck several battery operated fans in there.


Active Member
ive also been thinking about finding a effective/safe way to dry outdoors. last summer i dried my plants in my friends basement. we sealed a large room and everything and tried everything we could to not let the smell out.. by the next night his girlfriend was having trouble sleeping because the smell up in there room was so bad. it got ridiculous, when you opened the front door to walk in the house the smell hit you immediately. even after everything was out and cleaned up the smell lasted for another week and a half.

the problem's i think about when drying outside is A) to much moisture in the air at night (i guess depends where you are), and B) a tent or something along those lines is very visable from the air, and/or anywhere in the vicinity. i'm afraid that if something does happen to stumble across this its like christmas for them because all the work is done, they just bag it and run.

and i think having a dehumidifier in a tent wouldnt work either because its basically outside and with an endless amount of air (coming through screens of the tent, etc). for a dehumidifier to work you need to have it in a room.

im sure that people have dryed crops outdoors before and hopefully they'll see this topic and give us all some advice.


Active Member
ya dude uv got it made. iv tryed plants by hanging them up in trees before. couple things to watch for like others have said. Rain: ur in a tent so ur good on that.... Light: u said ur gunna throw a tarp over it so it will be dark. Temp:just as long as the tent isnt in the sun...u should be ok...good luck happy harvests!