New growth bright yellow in between veins. Help!


Active Member
Hey all,

here's a quick break down this is my first ever grow. Bag seed (Unknown strain) started out doors mid June, too late in the season as I now know. I brought the plant home and have it under CFL's more then enough for one plant. Was doing fine untill a few days ago when I noticed bright yellow in between the veins of new growth. I have only fed it once (20 - 20 - 20) half a week or so before I noticed the problem. I have checked ph and it appears to be ok. Im not sure whats going on here but any feed back would be greatly appreciated. Im new to this so go easy on me.

Here's a pic I took this morning :


Thanks for your time,


Well-Known Member
Why did you take it away from the sun and put it under a cfl for flowering? any way its too hot and poorly ventillated causing bad re-location shock, outside the air was fresh ,nights cool and now its inside.


Active Member
Why did you take it away from the sun and put it under a cfl for flowering? any way its too hot and poorly ventillated causing bad re-location shock, outside the air was fresh ,nights cool and now its inside.
I believe it was getting too cold outside at night and I was leaving our cabin for the rest of the summer. Its still only 10" tall and not very bushy, no wheres near ready to flower yet. I planted the seed too late in the year and figured I would try and prolong its days under CFL's. I do have a fan blowing and its in a huge room. Lots of FAE. I see what your saying about the change of environment though. Do you suppose that is the problem and not an Iron def? Like I said I'm new to this and have been reading as much as humanly possible.

I appreciate your response either way... thanks again.


Active Member
it was the 20-20-20, i betcha. strong. too strong of a dose. flush, and give less when feeding. imo
Yeah it was doing fine untill a few days after its first feeding.. Its been three days since, Im going to wait another day or two until the soils a bit more dry and this time I won't use any nutes. Next time Ill dilute it down even more.. thanks mang!