Wing reflector or reflector with cool tube?


I have a 4x2x5 (lwh) grow tent. I'm planning on getting a 400watt hps system, but I was wondering which reflector would be best - just a regular wing reflector or cool tube reflector?

I was looking into these two from ebay:
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It depends on how you plan on cooling the light. or the tent. the cool tube is going to restrict lumens but will be easier to cool off with an inline fan.
i personally would slam a 600 watt into there and cool it with a 6" inline fan
It depends on how you plan on cooling the light. or the tent. the cool tube is going to restrict lumens but will be easier to cool off with an inline fan.
i personally would slam a 600 watt into there and cool it with a 6" inline fan

I already purchased a S&P TDS-100X inline fan, but it's 4 inch. I'll probably have to slap a duct reducer/increaser on the cool tube since it's a 6" and place 4" insulated ducting on the other end - that is, if I do go with the cool tube.