No. It actually compresses and decompresses, perhaps enough to measure with lasers. That is how it passes gravity waves. The gradient is not a refraction. It is a magnification. So it is curved.
A big mass of a Star, let's say, (doesn't have to be a star) has shouldered aside a sufficient quantity of space itself. A marble in the Jello. The Space has no where to go, being more of a solid than, say, liquid. So it compresses to get out of the way. That compression forms gradient of Space Density. The most dense space is at the surface. How dense? It is proportional to the mass that pushed it aside. The more dense the space the easier for matter to move relative to other matter and that is "all" that gravity is.
We just don't know, yet, the field, like the electromagnetic field. There should be a field "force" that describes how matter is effected by Space Density. The so-called Higgs field. The are crunching the numbers,. but no Higgs, yet.
The high school explanations were blown a long time ago. Now we are waiting on The Large Hadron Collider to get some fundamental data. And also, the laser experiment results of Dr. Kip Thone and crew.
and until anton von luewnhook, diseases were caused by evil spirits.
the seeming bend in the fabric of space and the alteration of time are entirely mathematical and observational.
a laser seems to bend when exposed to gravity... mathematically...
time compresses when you accelerate... theoretically...
a massive object bends space and time... as far as we can tell mathematically.
current theories and explanations are not the final word. just like the heliocentric universe, the theory that all the world was created in six days by magic beard power (which was an adequate theory until science expanded to show it was just a fantasical story) or the insistence that the earth is flat. all these FALSE theories were vehemently defended by adherents (and still are today, but now we call these guys nutcases) the claims and defenses based on mathematical models, theoretical physics and elaborate hypothesis drafted by people who are driven to "publish or perish" are no more likely than the "biblical scholarship" of the council of mycene
since everything we can see measure or contemplate has mass, and mass is the prisoner of gravity, there can be no theory devised that explains observed or hypothesized effects which do not call for the bending of nothingness to the influences of somethingness. this logical leap may be considered good science and sound theory now, but in the future it could be considered as ludicrous as trepanation to alleviate the obvious demonic possession of those infected with Y.pestis.
if a tree falls in the forest and no-one is around to hear it does it make a noise?
i do not believe that space bends to the whim of gravity any more than i believe the conclusion that because no-body observed the noise that the tree fell silently. No-one has conclusively proved to the standard of US law that hitler ever ordered a single jew into a crematorium, and since it is not proven, are the concentration camps and the holocaust merely myths of a bygone age? after all, it was never proven... now it's all just theory!
i have read some of the writings of kip thorne (pornstar name jokes held in abeyance) and his ideas seemed to be the same sort of pseudo-profundity that deepak choprah peddles, but with more math.