Well-Known Member
Well i will be growing for my family hahah. My wife is a pt, as is her brother, and his wife. My mother as well. I grow 12/12 from seeds mostly, so ill only be 60 -70 days from buds when i get seeds in the buckets.
Except for the fact you can't grow or be a patient and own a gun...michigan here i come!!!!!
I was gonna go to Seattle..... But fuck that..... its WAY cheaper up there, and there is water and hunting without PETA freaks up my ass hahaha
I guess I missed this one??The 9th rulled that we do not lose our right to keep and bear,over a case in wash. state. still gonna get them all stolen by LEO if they get tha chance
Isn't it crazy how many greenhouses are in this area!!! I really want to set something up, but there are a lot of younger cats around this area and I would hate for one of them to get seriously injured being nosey. Not being a dick, but being serious as fuck. lmao. I grew up in N. Oakland county and my buddies searched for crops EVERY single year, and always found several. I was business man and didn't want karma of jacking crop. (Looking back, I sure smoked it though!).Glad those helichoppers are probably checking out the numerous greenhouses I saw on my 1st ever drive your way. I'm pretty sure I even saw 2 or 3 greenhouse fenced in with barbwire on the same property right after turning off the main drag!
Lots of people are doing it. I would like to smoke some good greenhouse Gladstone weed, before I go all out. I tried a few greenhouse bags last year and they flat out sucked balls. These aren't from hard core fuckers like hic. It looks like he doesn't mess around. There is a huge spectrum of good to bad on indoor grows, it is probably greater on outdoor.I just don't see the appeal in outdoor, yeah the sun is great and massive plants are great, but bugs suck, mites, budworms etc.. Outdoors = permethrins or some other pesticide.. I'm kind of happy that I've never had to use anything except fertilizer on my indoor crops.
But I'm sure I've smoked a ton of insecticides in my lifetime..
I'm sure-the investment is pretty minimal on the outdoor (exluding the actual greenhouse of course) not like when you sink 2K into this that and the other to rock out a basement. if you don't know shit you don't get shit indoors-like at all. if you drop 2K you tend to read up first and know a little more but outdoors is the wild west anyone can toss a seed and grow something up out the ground.Lots of people are doing it. I would like to smoke some good greenhouse Gladstone weed, before I go all out. I tried a few greenhouse bags last year and they flat out sucked balls. These aren't from hard core fuckers like hic. It looks like he doesn't mess around. There is a huge spectrum of good to bad on indoor grows, it is probably greater on outdoor.
If we had a longer grow season outdoors would be better, more often than not though people buy the wrong strains to do outdoor and end up with a bunch of plants that need to be brought in in the fall because thhey arent ready yet, lol been there done that.Lots of people are doing it. I would like to smoke some good greenhouse Gladstone weed, before I go all out. I tried a few greenhouse bags last year and they flat out sucked balls. These aren't from hard core fuckers like hic. It looks like he doesn't mess around. There is a huge spectrum of good to bad on indoor grows, it is probably greater on outdoor.