Did you do anything productive today?


Active Member
Currently jobless, hoping to feed off of others accomplishments...

So far this is what I have done today (daily routine):












Cheers! :leaf:

EDIT: Extra "Masturbated" for lols.


Well-Known Member
Went and got groceries

Little 4 play with the wife

Took kids to their open house for school

Came back smoked a bowl with the wife along with a little 4 play again

Made steaks and baked potato's

Washed a few cloths done a little dishes , the kids will go to bed and me and miss goten will smoke some hash and take the 4 play and do a little dance

Im un employed also :bigjoint:


Active Member
Went and got groceries

Little 4 play with the wife

Took kids to their open house for school

Came back smoked a bowl with the wife along with a little 4 play again

Made steaks and baked potato's

Washed a few cloths done a little dishes , the kids will go to bed and me and miss goten will smoke some hash and take the 4 play and do a little dance

Im un employed also :bigjoint:
The fucking good life, man. Haha.

me too. it took five hours. all twelve acres of it. now, 10mgs opana and 1 mg xanax later i'm beginning to feel myself again. thank god and endo
Twelve acres, holy shit! Hope you have a riding mower, LOL.


Well-Known Member
I also mowed my yard, some light weed wacking, cleaned my garage this morning, hustled the trash men, gave a female friend a ride to and from work, changed two tanks of sauce in the veg room and handled my normal daily business in the clone chamber and flower room.
Sort of an easy day, but I'm just now three months out of a major surgery on my spine and just got clearance to use my mower yesterday. A month ago I had to use a walker to get to the bathroom, so I feel pretty accomplished right about now. =)

EDIT: I didn't include cooking because to me that's an every day thing like showering.


Active Member
I also mowed my yard, some light weed wacking, cleaned my garage this morning, hustled the trash men, gave a female friend a ride to and from work, changed two tanks of sauce in the veg room and handled my normal daily business in the clone chamber and flower room.
Sort of an easy day, but I'm just now three months out of a major surgery on my spine and just got clearance to use my mower yesterday. A month ago I had to use a walker to get to the bathroom, so I feel pretty accomplished right about now. =)

EDIT: I didn't include cooking because to me that's an every day thing like showering.
What was the origin of the spinal problem?


Well-Known Member
It was labeled degenerative disc disease. I went in for what was supposed to be a routine clean out (in May) with some pieces of disc removed and whatnot, and worst case one level fused. Instead, I ended up being on the operating table just under seven hours, had three ( THREE!!!!) levels fused together, both discs completely removed and cages installed in their place, pedicles cut off and replaced with titanium pedicle screws, cracked ligaments repaired/replaced, then he crushed my pedicles and mixed them with mosaic bone putty to seal the cages in place. Like drywall mud.
The first 6 weeks after were wheelchair and hospital bed in my living room. The last 6 weeks I went from the chair to a walker for a couple weeks, a week or so with a cane and now I'm walking fine on my own. Just not very far. =) I also have three days a week physical therapy, three days of aqua therapy and he just sentenced me to occupational therapy yesterday to see if there is any kind of work I might be able to do in the future, but that hasn't started yet. I'll be in therapy until at least Thanksgiving and have to wear an electro magnetic orthotic brace 4 hours a day until Valentines Day. Weeeeeeeeee...eeeee...ee...e?