Another subject i love. Idk what refrence your mKing of einstien but time is not relitave to the observer. Time is completly realivebt to all that are observing it in the same form as time is a set thing. There is no going back or forward. Contrary to what i think itbwas stephen howking said speed and time have no corrolation. Speed will not mKe time slow speed or dieveate from its set path. If einstien meant time is realative in the means of feeling that is correct but to any observer here or anywhere in the universe (theoretical worm hole or not time is the same. But in the supernatural sorkdof heavin where god live supposidly 1000 yearz on earth is 1 in heavin , time would only be relevent to observTion if that were the case. Anyone understand where im coming from? Im not high atm