With what and/or how do you water your babies?


Active Member
Just wondering how you guys go about watering your girls. It might help a noob like me who at first was wondering why my roots kept being exposed and soil getting lower. Ill go first...

I give my girls a gallon and a half each and apply it with a quart-sized watering can. I basically fill it up 6 times from a larger bottle of solutions and apply it in sections so its even. I have a 1" perlite mulch layer on top of my soil for erosion purposes and i use smartpots so drainage is excellent.

Good luck to everyone, im in full bloom baybe! Haha


Well-Known Member
I use a kiddy pool under my pots, when they need water I put in the garden hose & open the valve until I have 2" of water Then shut it off. Watering from underneath won't disturb my soil & I'm also using untreated water from a well I have on the farm.


Well-Known Member
I generally water daily due to heat and soil but the root issue is a pretty easy fix.. once they are being exposed a bit I generally toss fan leaves ontop during the grow and then will add a small layer of dirt back ontop.. never had an issue with doing this and well.. if it works..


Well-Known Member
A good layer of composted manure on top also works well and will help your soil retain more moisture.Good luck with the Harvest !!


So far this year I've let mother nature take care of that for me. The only time they get water from me is if I decide to hit them with a little go go juice, which is not often. Growing in the ground in un tilled soil. Just dug a couple small holes and popped em in. Lucky...


Well-Known Member
During flowering, I water no more than twice per week and not much, like a gallon to a gallon and a half per plant. Nothing in the last 10 days.


Active Member
Man, Im using beer, piss, tap water, aquarium water, broth(of whatever). My dogs use piss also, when im not lookin im sure. Ive used the shit water on the bottom of the composter. They are alive and kickin! Imma have a beer-piss og sativa that taste like chickens! Whoop!


Well-Known Member
I water with a 5 gallon bucket, each lady gets 15 gallons every other day 5x3= 15. 15x12 = 180 gallons of water I carry ever other day to keep my PIMP HAND STRONG and the bitches happy.


2-60 gallon barrels ph balanced water or nutes aerated with airstones and agitated with koralia powerheads. I water them as they need it and i am running a drip system powered by a 1/2 hp pump, ultra dialed in to feed my beast's


Well-Known Member
I water when the first two inches are dry in the pot and I can see a very slight line between the soil and the pot.

I use a watering can and flood the plant quickly so the water goes to the top of the pot ie I get full coverage.

Good luck and grow bro grow


Well-Known Member
place a layer of oyster shells on top of soil as a barrier. they also buffer acids, and provide minerals. the layer acts as a mulch, retaining moisture. i love them.


Well-Known Member
Once a week I throw the hose in the hole and turn it on. .. when I nute I dumpa 5 gallon bucket in the hole / pot whatever.


Active Member
I got 11 plants to feed

I use R/O system at the house connected to electronic drip valve set to turn on every 6 hours for 15 min, at end of 1/4" drip lines are 2 GPH feeders that feed the 11 two gallon grow bags.

2 GPH / 15 MINS x 6 HR a DAY = 2 gallons of water per plant per day

its between 90 and 105 where I am at during the summer and these girls drink like a fish to keep cool


Active Member
Haha nice everyone

I only have two girls and i enjoy hand watering em. I pack a fat bowl and mix up all my nutes, then water them slowly and evenly til they are leaking a lil water from the bottoms. Gives me time to inspect them for problems and such. They love the attention but my girl gets jealous haha imusually out there for awhile

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
Haha nice everyone

I only have two girls and i enjoy hand watering em. I pack a fat bowl and mix up all my nutes, then water them slowly and evenly til they are leaking a lil water from the bottoms. Gives me time to inspect them for problems and such. They love the attention but my girl gets jealous haha imusually out there for awhile
Haha, same here.

I use a 2 gal watering can with a shower head on it. I have about 15 gal of water sitting in jugs in the back of my house. I let it sit for at least 24hr to let the chlorine evap. No need to ph water going into soil, unless you have ph problems with your soil. I use dolomite mixed into my soil for a ph buffer.