Capable of living outside the womb? Hmmm. Newborn babies, 5 month old babies, 9 month old babies...are they capable of living outside the womb?
At any rate, I don't think it is up to me or a panel of judges to decide what other people do with their bodies. I echo what others have said, to make a person pay for anothers abortion (via taxation) seems to be the wrong approach, both legally (religious rights) and morally (involuntary taxation is theft) .
Also you mentioned "rights not granted by the mother..." Mothers and governments don't grant rights now do they?
Yes, newborns, even preborns let along 5 or 9 month olds are fully capable of living ouside of the womb. as in the case of the babies that are born, it is a given that they are capable of living outside of what has only recently ejected them.
the problem you have here Rob is the differenciation between a mother' s body and the fetus/zygote/child/human/potential human/person/citizen.
If a mother is allowed to "do as she pleases" with her body, and no one is to tell her otherwise, certain actions of hers will cause death to the fetus/zygote/....... That is the problem we all have here and it seems the crux of the problem you have with your ideology. Many people want the unborn to be protected and the only way that can be done is by government action. The very government action you deplore because it serves to act on the freedom of the mother.
I see you arrived late, this discussion has absolutely nothing to do with government paying for abortions, in fact it has little to do with abortion at all.
At what point do you believe the unborn child recieves or retains the liberties you claim exist?