The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
well thats that done, fuckin walked out the house im doin it in with an oz(or so) of gear to fast dry it at home and who drives past me within 30 seconds, the fuckin plod, i could see the cunts eyein me up but i just continued the casual stroll and they crawled past, 2 mins later a fuckin meat wagon did the same bastard thing. fuckin arse goin like a rabbits nose. thank fuck im home, thats no fun at my age.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Alright spunk guzzlers,
@PUKKA cheers mate they just came through the door 5mins ago, was a bit dodgy no postman, no knock on the door just pushed through the leterbox 5mins ago, maybe they went to a neighbours house by mistake or something? they weren't opened or messed with and the name and address is right so no mistakes on your part mate.
I'm taking a mix of the 3 strains mate, was supposed to have done it by now but been having a few probs with the electrics yesterday so didn't want to hit the lights on for them to be going off and on and damaging my bulbs since I can't afford to replace them just now but will take them later just waiting for the misses to come back I left the clonex in the car and she's working at the mo, she'll be back in a couple of hours and I'll get on then the prop is in the bath at mo soaking in bleach water ready for later.
prob best to wait until they're rooted mate before deciding what ya want but eitherway shouldn't make a difference I'll be taking cuts for the next run that'll start a couple of weeks after this one so will be plenty their if ya only want one strain or a mix etc.

Anyone got a link to westys thread? I'd like to see the process he went through to seperate the shit out of his solid/hash, oh yeah goldseal down here was always about the same price as weed maybe a little dearer at times but generally around the same price and gold seal wa always known for being on the weaker side generally but it was always clean, that was sort of the point with gold seal cheap affordable low grade clean hash anything else was usually hard to get or would cost you a pretty penny.
Also any cheap stuff in the last decade or so was probably rocky, alot of my younger friends don't even know the difference as they missed the years of the proper stuff and started smoking while rocky was being labelled as gold seal and red seal that were just poor interpretations mixed with shit.
Just how it was down my way, I've seen lots of gold seal over the years off the street and it deffo isn't the gold seal of years ago, maybe the seal on it is legit but that's as close as it gets lol


Well-Known Member
Cheers tip top, getting bored with the pineapple express tho got me some OG kush x Grape stompers just popped so looking forward to them babies. You aint growing at the mo are ya, must be hell mate.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
Yes pukka u know ive only gone and done it lad??? Lmao
mdb ready for another hammerin this weekend ay lad?? Reckon it ll be a good game tbh with ya bro
we wont b on the silverware this season but we r building a good squad slowly and quietly. few good young uns breaking through and a new style apparently. was gutted weekend but i ent calling for any heads b cut just yet. like we got young manager and squad. good get finaces and club stable.
confident we cvan upset the blue mancs, but cant wait for u cunts hahahahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
Cheers mdb, got thos ring thingies at me local garden centre probably the same thing tho cost a fiver each. Noticed the mother in law was using them in her garden and thought i'd give them a bash, they seem to be working well. Bit of support when they pack on the weight and keeps them nice and tidy. Running outta space now, went a bit mad with the cuts and have too many hahaha, need another tent for veggin so off to the grow shop tomorrow to spend some cash.


Well-Known Member
Fuckin cunt jimmy was gonna throw sum pics up meself just then but ill wait lmao ;-) only jokin lad not even took any yet and they still in veg but about the same size as those fuckers top job there lad lookin like champaine for sure !! A cheese man myself and always will be bit like u an ya pineapple lol


Well-Known Member
Hahaha cheers chedz, there comming along ok atm, getting a bit pissed tho with the pineapple, good strain but lacks a real kick for my liking only running it as it yeilds well and is a quick finisher. its good enough for all the numptys around my way tho. Got some gage green gear just starting so hoping for a better smoke and a keeper.


Well-Known Member
I hope ya find it bro how come u dont run with a clone only like the rest??
Ive been asking myself that very question mate lol, one day i will when the fairy gets round to it. I do like the old beans tho, you just never know what your gonna find but on the other hand you can end up with some right shite. Never run any clone onlys in all my time growing, I wouldnt mind running the exo at some point, smoked it years ago and you just dont see it my way. That and the livers i think are the two i wouldnt mind getting hold of at some point.


Well-Known Member
Sun night m8...
NICE 1 MAN ur babies el be done for then!
jimmy mate if i decide to do sum cuts of this round im got il see if i can do it without killing em and send u one... just let me try sort these last 2 wat are JUST rooting and get em under me big ight,,if ther sexy in 10 days il do a couple of cuts