The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Cost me fuck all so aint so sad, even made a tenner lol im either swoppin rest for some slh or im gunna clean it westy style lol


Well-Known Member
Swapping it for slh now that's a good deal

If somethings advertised as goldseal, is trying to be goldseal yet is deffo not goldseal what is it then but fake?

Oh yeah its a grade of soft black that's 30% contaminate lol

Would have been more fun last night but no1 was biting lol


Well-Known Member
My stuff chedz?????
From the discription peeps av gave me yh bro like dough after a little heat was applied to it and looked like the real thing till u smoked it there is a ton flyin round all over the uk!! Back in the day it was cheap as fuck but the price does seem to av gone up sum not much but sum ;-)


Well-Known Member
My neighbor has just cropped mate brought me some round last night, stinks of lemon cleaner, more of a hazy taste but is strong as fuck.
my other neighbor lol had some squidgy for 60 a oz few months back an id say that was better, defo stronger.


Well-Known Member
I got a 8th for a tenner in london recently was threw a friend but the oz was 80 also, it was what I call fake goldseal prob smoked a little worse than the stuff u had but was deffo stronger.

Its that unatural softness as much as the poor flavour and if u put a decent amount in it will not burn right.


Well-Known Member
Right 30% shite. What your left with is bubble. How much would 18g of bubble cost u. Hellva lot more that 80 squid. All Im saying is, its a decent price for what your getting. No more biting. Oh aye fucking hate Mastercard. I got one of them prepay ones for holiday. 1000 euro in deposits which dont get returned until 30 days after it was pre authd. What fucking good is that. Bastards


Well-Known Member
"The stuff that came from the "goldseal" after the scum and shite was cleaned out was hard not soft atall."

That don't sound like any bubble I ever had lol I'm done anyway I'll say no more was only looking for a windup last night, pissed out me nut.

That's abit shit bill having a grand tied up like that, u back this sunday or next?

max green

There's any thread u want tosser I would even be so kind ya start it for ya, shall we go with max green is a ira supporting fucktard as the title??? Whatcha reckon? It has got a ring to it lol
Make a thread called "for dickheads only" and I know you will be a worthy mod. Or how how about newloserlol, or just keep it simple cos we dont want ur brain doing overtime ha ha ha.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
u bunch squabbling filthy little whores, u all a bunch off fucking wrong uns who should have been dealt with at birth by a hammer to the head, to avoid u growing into such arseholes and breeding with ya mums...
how r we all then this fine day?


Well-Known Member
u bunch squabbling filthy little whores, u all a bunch off fucking wrong uns who should have been dealt with at birth by a hammer to the head, to avoid u growing into such arseholes and breeding with ya mums...
how r we all then this fine day?
Not 3 bad lad hows thee?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
good cheers fella , woke up at 4 this morning had a man sized julie and slept again till half 10. feel refreshed and on it today. hows u fruit? lil un doin well i hope?
u up and running again or still in the planning ?


Well-Known Member
Was same other night woke up at daft o'clock we gut rot to fuck lol
Young uns doin mint mate cheers, hes a little gem lol, just got the ducts to run hang to fans then set all timers an shit not much mate just never get fuck all time shud be done by end of wknd.


Well-Known Member
Yes pukka u know ive only gone and done it lad??? Lmao
mdb ready for another hammerin this weekend ay lad?? Reckon it ll be a good game tbh with ya bro


Well-Known Member
Found a smelly smelly pheno lmao it was inevitable wot wiyh it bein the livers x just need a livers cut now to compair but the fuckin thin is peng non the less hahahahaha


Well-Known Member
Q. What's the difference between a sperm and a Rangers supporter??
A. A sperm has a chance of becoming a human being.


Well-Known Member
Was same other night woke up at daft o'clock we gut rot to fuck lol
Young uns doin mint mate cheers, hes a little gem lol, just got the ducts to run hang to fans then set all timers an shit not much mate just never get fuck all time shud be done by end of wknd.

u just setting up too puckka? mu cuttings arrived today looking sexy as fuck and into the blue box they went (its new name)
just gotta pop into the attick and put a collar on sum ducting im runing ito the house venty and screw in a new hps bulb and fight with the wife to steal the house fan bak....................or not :( lol
women pfft