This Threads For Women Who Know They're A 5 Or Less- Please Contribute.


Well-Known Member
I actually tried hitting on some really fat and ugly woman one day, she was with a couple good looking women but I approtched the real big ugly one, and was like hey sexy etc and she gave me her number, at first I was kind of doing it as a joke but I got the number and she seemed nice in our quick introduction, so I was thinking, what the heck I'll give it a shot, maybe she's a good woman and I was thinking about dating her... So we talked, it turns out she's a craigs list prostitute who lives with a ex boyfriend who's abusive but she likes him and likes being a ho and she sent me a pic of her blowing some dude at "work" and was going to give me some for free to show me how good she is at it- WTF? No thanks, I passed, Crazy, and I was thinking she might be a nice boring girl


Well-Known Member
ur forgetting the fact that basically all any girl has to do to get laid is say please


Active Member
absolutely right.....i just gotta pull down my pants and random shorties in the street slide they mouth on my COOOOCKKKKKKKKKKKKK


Active Member
lies.... doesnt work like that.
well you all know i am very heavy... so i let guys treat m poorly and do what i can to make them happy beause i dont feel like I am worth their love or respect, since the only time men want anything to do with me in a non friendship way is to just get some strange and leave... which I do not do.
its horrible im so ugly....:shock:
Shit you two should try being a speky ginger [going bald] left hander and see how many times you get somones number.


Well-Known Member
LOl halfloaf...why would being left handed hold you back? ....And I have seen fat chicks taking advantage of drunken dudes for as long as I have been going to bars


Well-Known Member
If ya wanna be happy be happy for the rest of your life,
Never make a pretty woman your wife.
This is my personal point of view,
Get an ugly girl to marry you!

Taken from some song I heard somewhere.


Well-Known Member
bullshit, been with my wife 31 years and she stills looks 35.
Of course, she was only 4 when you married. Realistically, you love your wife, so she will never look "old" to you. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That said, their are some 40 year old women who look pretty fine.


Well-Known Member
My skinny little gpa loved him some bigguns, mmmmhmm!
tHERE IS AN ASS FOR EVERY SEAT. What I do not understand is when I see a fairly unattractive person critiquing other people. I`m like dude your gross and she is fat what exactly is your point.
Take the beam from thine own eye fart smeller.


Well-Known Member
ur forgetting the fact that basically all any girl has to do to get laid is say please
NOT true... I'd been trying to get the guy I've loved for 3 fucking years to sleep with me. Frilly lingerie. Not interested. And my boyfriend gets sleepy by the time we hit the bed XD I shall try jumping him at random points in the day...


Well-Known Member
I bet he did not get sleepy when you started dating...wake him up with a blowob in the morning and it will be on....@, I disagree ...many men go to a bar wanting to leave with a piece of ass..some succeed, some fail..if a woman goes out wanting to get laid...she is getting matter how ugly she is..she will get it.