I need a Vermonters opinion



i need a Vermonters opinion on when to start planting outdoors. i have 50 ak-47 clones, all female. i am dying to get them outside. the average last frost around here is the first of May, so i was thinking about planting the first weekend of may...i just dont want to kill them all.


Active Member
Had to pull them back in today because of the rain and low night temps so i would wait being that u have a real good strain.


Well-Known Member
i need a Vermonters opinion on when to start planting outdoors. i have 50 ak-47 clones, all female. i am dying to get them outside. the average last frost around here is the first of May, so i was thinking about planting the first weekend of may...i just dont want to kill them all.
check with the local garden center ,if it safe to put out tomatos it is safe to put your girls outside.


are you talking about champlain... because im not even close. im almost down by mass. why sooner if im by the lake? thats further north.


Well-Known Member
are you talking about champlain... because im not even close. im almost down by mass. why sooner if im by the lake? thats further north.
I'm north of you and have had a small outdoor grow for 6 yrs. You didn't mention if you're
planning on planting in ground or pot's. I'd use the pot's till your plant's get used to the cooler night temps. Last year mine were outside the 3rd week of April...this year it's going to be later. I'm keeping them outside till 8:00 at night, then bring inside overnight.
This year the weather is wack so I'd wait till the 2nd or 3rd week of May, and would keep in pot's for a while....in case of ground frost...I've had flack about * ground frost & freezing* It's a different game up north...my seed's are from a strain grown up north so I don't have too much worries, plus there's a big difference between ground frost and freezing...A good marker is when your local garden centers start selling "flats"
Good luck.......


oh yeah, all the green houses around here have flats out. im doing the same thing as you, keeping the out in the day, and bringing them in at night. they are all over 12" tall now, so i didnt know if they would survive a ground frost or not. whats the difference between freezing and a ground frost anyway... to a plant anyway.