Grubers Mixed Garden (Greenthumb and More)

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
I forgot to add this picture.
I did not top this plant at all but ended up with 2 main colas. It just did it on its own.
The picture shows where the main stem made a split. Anybody ever get this before?



Well-Known Member
I've had healthy plants split off into 2 stems like that.
Got a thin sativia ish chemo Iranian in flower like that.
Im going to go CCOB on it like Hobbes did.

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
I've had healthy plants split off into 2 stems like that.
Got a thin sativia ish chemo Iranian in flower like that.
Im going to go CCOB on it like Hobbes did.
Got any pics of the split?
And please post some up when you get the CCOB going.


Well-Known Member
If I had to guess I'd say the seedling needs more N?
Give em1/4 strength Nutes from birth?

Got docs c99 about to get the flip , and my lil NevHz x MM is a week or old.

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
If I had to guess I'd say the seedling needs more N?
Give em1/4 strength Nutes from birth?

Got docs c99 about to get the flip , and my lil NevHz x MM is a week or old.

I tried more N and just about everything came down to PH fluctuations and too much Cal in my tap next seedling should tell me the secrets.

you are going to love the C99...hope you get a female for the MM x NH.....

HAve you tried the GoodDog yet?