HELP! 2week old kandy kush with yellow tips?????


Active Member
ok so iv stared a kandy kush grow 2 of them 1 is lookin healty but the other has yellow tips, i havent started any nuts yet, what could cause this problem?? DSCF3238.jpgDSCF3236.jpgDSCF3235.jpgDSCF3234.jpg plz i need help. peace


Well-Known Member
Hopefully she will be ok. I have had problems with the genetics of this strain from Reserve pravada. I picked up a pack of seeds around a year ago and had poor germination and inconsistant weak genetics. Dont get your hopes to high on this one, I grabbed them because i had a freebe several years ago that produced an excelent smoking plant but had hermie problems. I was hopeing to find a keeper but ended up with waisted grow space.


Active Member
She'll recover as long as she doesn't get any worse. I use ffof for my grow but never put my seedlings in it cause it seems to hot.


Active Member
I start in straight ffof and have never had a problem.
I only had that problem with my Blue cheese and Master Kush so it was enough for me to use happy frog. Was scared shitless when it happened with the Blue cheese.


Well-Known Member
They wont die, you have a small plant wont take long for the roots to reach the sides and then you will get vertical growth. Just water at this point and you will be ok, never put them in any type of newt soil at this age. Seedling soil and water is all you need


Active Member
the other 1 is starting to yellow aswell now im just gonna give them 2 weeks and see how they recover if at all. sorry for the late reply internet has been cut off .
i will keep you guys posted , thanks for the help peace out :)