racist defined, what kind of racist are you?


Well-Known Member
Replace with white, it's just releasing your frustration with society! :dunce:

I thought Huck Finn was a terribly boring book. In high school we were forced to read that POS aloud in class. But we weren't allowed to say the naughty word. I read it anyway. What, was I going to get suspended for reading a mandatory book I was told to read aloud? Let's just say I never had to read aloud again.

What's hilarious, it's because of you liberals the teacher got his panties in a bunch. Mark Twain was also an abolitionist. So wtf?

If you can't handle a word, don't assign the book and pretend certain words aren't in it! What a concept.

Oh you poor poor persecuted white boy


Well-Known Member
Poor liberals. America elected a black man as president and that black man has done a poor job. Trying to label any criticism of Obama as racist is kinda hard, huh. Not exactly working out very well, is it? There were no objections at all with expressing biting criticisms of GW Bush, though: "Bushitler", and "chimp", and drawing GWB as Alfred E Newman, etc.

Have you noticed that the retort, "RACIST!!!" has become a standard, one-word joke response amongst young people? Do you understand why?

All I can suggest is, toughen up.

Toughen up? Bush got a few barbs in his backside - Obama has the highest death threat count in Secret service history. Are you really going to contend it is just cuase "the electorate does not agree with his policies"?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Toughen up? Bush got a few barbs in his backside - Obama has the highest death threat count in Secret service history. Are you really going to contend it is just cuase "the electorate does not agree with his policies"?
Wasn't aware of that, got a source? Didn't even know such statistics were kept, which piqued my curiosity. Looks like a whole bunch of presidents have been the object of threats.


Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Times have changed. It used to be that I could hang out with a big enough bunch of white people where eventually someone would feel "comfortable" enough to where they would exhibit their racisim overtly. they did this with the express presumption that everyone around them was white and would go along if not actually laugh at the jokes or nod one's head at the statement of how this [fill in the blank/neighborhood/world/country/city/stae] was going to hell because of the [fill in the derogatory racial references]. No longer, finally white people look askance, take issue with, leave or even become violent with the person making the references. This does not mean that racism has dissapeared, it has simply gone underground. Your average white racist will now simply use code or veiled references [know what I mean?] and hides his racism.

It is not much more difficult to spot the racist now, but it is much more difficult to label him. We all see racists hiding behind the political. It is fashionable to call all sorts of insults down upon Obama only to give the "what? me?" shake of one's head, "am I not allowed to criticize the president now?" they have that same fake indignation they reserve for Biden's "in chains" comment but we all know what is going on.

I think it was in a way, very sad that Obama became president before racism truely dissapeard rather than simply going underground because now we can all plead our freedom of poliical expression while actually being as racist as we could have been before those damn liberals started taking issues with our comments in groups.
it is quite sad in a society that considers itself superior or modern that people can still find ways to devalue someone for just being who they are , they can judge without even caring or trying to understand, and just as fast without any empathy they will persecute and demonize these people in order to bring the ignorance full circle and show in actions how they dehumanize people into subjects part of their world

chameleon racism/prejudiced/discrimination is about as prevalent as ever, and it disgust me


Well-Known Member
Obama faces 30 death threats a day, a 400 percent increase over those against George W. Bush when he was president, according to Ronald Kessler, a veteran investigative journalist and conservative and author of the new book, In the President's Secret Service: Behind the Scenes with Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect.

But then again, I may well have been misled - it was such a nice story, I really wanted this one to be true. I'm sorry I will have to give it up. Thanks for keeping me honest.


desert dude

Well-Known Member
Obama faces 30 death threats a day, a 400 percent increase over those against George W. Bush when he was president, according to Ronald Kessler, a veteran investigative journalist and conservative and author of the new book, In the President's Secret Service: Behind the Scenes with Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect.

But then again, I may well have been misled - it was such a nice story, I really wanted this one to be true. I'm sorry I will have to give it up. Thanks for keeping me honest.

Hey, no problem, we all get rick rolled occasionally. It is especially humiliating when it reaffirms our own confirmation bias.