Intruders at my outdoor garden!!


Well-Known Member
Today i went to visit my garden which is surrounded by thick trees and bushes and then its open in the middle. There is only one easy way to get through the bushes and thats a very small path a made. Well i was walking thru the path then i saw a pair of glasses laying on the ground is a case. Im a 100 percent that was never their. My plants were untouched but all my supplies that were hidden in garbage bags looked like it had been touched.

What should i do im f!cken scared to go back their there might be cops waiting or somthing. I have another spot in the woods with plants i want to move everthing there since that spot is unknown i think. Do u think i should just stop growing in this area a find a new set of woods. I do not want to get locked up over this shit. Im not hurtin anyone i just want some personal weed without spending lots of money on it.

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
move it all far far away. On my spot, i set tiny little traps that would give me an pretty good idea if anyone had been nearby. I recommend it.

Of course no dangerous traps!

WiZ Kid

Active Member
Move that shit ASAP. It's probably not the cops just sounds like someone stumbled on your grow area. I'd move them before they get taken man


Well-Known Member
yea im movin them today the only thing is that there planted in the ground. There in a pot but i cut da bottom off. But i dont think the roots hit the bottom of it yet cause there not that big yet.

What kind of traps do you set thats a good idea.


Well-Known Member
well i succefully moved all the plants. I have them hidden in some bushes. Tommorrow i will moved them to my other grow spot i just got to finish digging the holes which i hate doing. Specically with a hand held shovle not the big ones. The other grow spot is roughly 15 minutes walking distance do you guys think that will be far enough??


Well-Known Member
Today i went to visit my garden which is surrounded by thick trees and bushes and then its open in the middle. There is only one easy way to get through the bushes and thats a very small path a made. Well i was walking thru the path then i saw a pair of glasses laying on the ground is a case.
Glasses? Sounds like you've got a case of..

lol.. j/k


Well-Known Member
fuckin turkey man those are the intruders u gotts to worry bout cuz they will fly rite in and destroy wat ever looks good


Well-Known Member
yea man. dnt worry it pry aint the cops just some random dude. if it were the cops u woulda been fucked the first time u went back. just get em outa there


Active Member
I wold move them and let me tell you a trick to hiding plants if they are still kind of fragile in the stalk you can lean them over and tie them close to the ground. Then they will grow out and up towards the sun then you just tie them to the ground again.etc I have done it and it works. but use brown or green twine to tie them down so it will blend in.


Well-Known Member
You touched the glasses & case, they got your finger prints now. Shit, they probably have you on camera already caring for the plants. Its just a matter of matching prints, which confirms you in the video which guarantees a cultivation charge.


Well-Known Member
yeah personally if i went back i would pretend i just wandered in and just never come back. it's not worth it. never go back. ever. oops. too late.


Well-Known Member
cops wouldnt even know to distinguish a tomato plant from young mary seedling.... but u need to keep your supplies hidden better and farther away from your patch...also buy a 2 foot or 18 inch shovel that what i use a 24 inch was 12$ @ home depot good luck