Day 49
Here it is after a MASSIVE leaf tucking work over. It looks a bit uneven now. Now that I tucked all the leaves I can see where I need to move some things, and start to tie a few more things. For the last few days I was seeing some deficiencies. Did a rez change to make sure everything was good there, but it didn't seem to help. PH was spot on, and EC was good. I was starting to get pissed at the thought of having to just write them off as nutrient hungry phenos as it only affected the two front plants which were the taller less bushy plants. I couldn't figure out what the feck was going on basically. I routinely check the reservoir for root aphids as I had them once before in one of the bubble buckets on my first grow, but didn't see ANYTHING at all in any rez change I've done so far. Long story short, I pealed the plastic back, and sure shit I had root aphids on the front two plants. :no: It didn't seem to affect the rear plants at all, and I'm guessing it's because the table is on an incline and the plants toward the front are on the low end where there is about an eighth an inch of standing water between floods giving the root aphids what they want.
It's my only guess, but I can tell you that the higher plants had MINIMAL infection, while the front two had it bad.
Anyways, I BLASTED the mofo's. I used 120 ml's of Bayer Tree and Shrub. Using a 1.47% solution of Imidacloprid I actually only used 2500 milligrams(2.5mls) of pure Imidacloprid. in a 40 gallon Rezervoir for 12 hours. No way of knowing how much the plant took up, but I'm personally not worried about the minuscule amount that may make it's way to the buds, and the plants are just starting to flower anyways. I'm not saying that everyone should use this, it's just what I chose to use because I know it works and I had it laying around. From now on I'm going to use nematodes, and some organic stuff as preventative measures since this is my second grow and I've had em twice.
Anyways, after 12 hours the rez was full of dead root aphids. I upped the water level to totally cover the entire root mass and an inch up the stalk of the plant so I got em all. This stuff totally wiped em out last time without any recurrence in those buckets, and I expect it to do the same this time.
It was a relief in a way to figure out what was going on, cause I was stumped. The system was flushed for 3 hours, and replaced with fresh nutes so I'm sure the deficiencies will work them selfs out in the next few days. Onward, and upward. :toke:
Armed with a new sense of optimism I did a major Leaf Tuck job because it had TRULY turned into a jungle in there. Looks a little scraggly now, but I'm sure it'll perk up and fill in again Quickly. Some of the colas are still stretching, and some are already packing on weight. Can't wait to see it a month from now full of BIG BUDS.
Here's some pics.