F.M.I.L.Y's Grow


Well-Known Member
Now Got Damn Scoob! The first thing that caught my eye was the Stihl Chainsaw, thennnnnn I saw all. that. YELLOW!!!!! You sir, are a man that knows his tools. DeWalt is the shit. I would so love to have every single one of them. Even though I don't know how to use most lol



Well-Known Member
Jacking your thread Em...lol

You can see in the top of the medi bud where I had to pick for the worms. Also had a bit of mite trouble that I didn't see until I put my glasses on. The Vortex is coming along nicely, there is a side shot and a top shot of her. Meet Frederica. She came crawling up out of my Agapanthus when I was watering, so I put her inside the Bubba. She is about 4 or 5 inches long. Hey she might be a Fred, you never know. The Bubba and WhiteFire are bushing out nicely. The one arm on the WF that I let go up is like it's own little tree. The others that are being trained along the bamboo are doing nice with kolas about every inch or so. This girl has just had all kinds of experiments.
Now for my special girl...DO YOU SEE THAT PINK?! She is only a couple inches from 7 effing feet! So effing beautiful man! sniff sniff...what's that smell? Oh that's just Em...he's the shit. I LOVE my PLP man! Thank you:hug:

***Frederica has decided she likes the agapanthus better and moved back - finicky female lol



Well-Known Member
Fumble...you can "jack my thread anytime man. amazing garden. i love it when they look so natural like that. not some commercial landscaped "design" bullshit. great job man.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Scoob. I love being out there with them. If it weren't so hot, I would spend almost all day with them lol


Well-Known Member
Fumble...you can "jack my thread anytime man. amazing garden. i love it when they look so natural like that. not some commercial landscaped "design" bullshit. great job man.
Hey Scoob fumble is not a man, she is my sister! lol All those power tools, lets build a huge ass fishing party boat!

Yeah fumble that is an amazing peaceful garden you got! I love the PLP pistils. I cant believe how large your PLP is, thats going to be the largest grown PLP I ever seen. Makes me proud sis!




Well-Known Member
Here are some recent pics

PLP F1 and Fire OG
Fire OG

Made some edibles...Reese Muffin Puffs!!!

Last but not least my MamaDude BHO Whipped! I got 3.2 grams off MD alone! I whipped the BHO for 2 hours with a wire, kind of like a crackhead! The texture came out different and is a lot easier to work with but not worth the time of whipping. I been smoking way too much BHO that now when I smoke flowers it doesnt seem to cut it for me. I might need a little break from BHO to drop my tolerance which is off the charts right now.

P8290194.jpgP8290207.jpgP8290209.jpgP8290211.jpgupclose bho.jpg


Well-Known Member
Awwww shucks...thanks Em...*looks at ground, kicks a rock*My BF made the first pic of the PLP my desk top pic. It's like OMG! every time I see it. So effing pretty man, thank you so much. I was laying on the ground looking at her the other day til the damn ants started crawling on me. I think next year maybe I will plant 3 of them in a triangle and pull the tops together - my own PLP tipi ;) That's what I did with my corn and green beans a few years ago. I could actually sit in there and smoke. lol

Damn bro! Your girls are looking beautiful and starting to pack it on. You are in the last trimester now mama, you should be waddling like a duck.

That BHO looks awesome. Looks like it would melt right into my lollipops ;) Like buttah baby!


Well-Known Member
Awwww shucks...thanks Em...*looks at ground, kicks a rock*My BF made the first pic of the PLP my desk top pic. It's like OMG! every time I see it. So effing pretty man, thank you so much. I was laying on the ground looking at her the other day til the damn ants started crawling on me. I think next year maybe I will plant 3 of them in a triangle and pull the tops together - my own PLP tipi ;) That's what I did with my corn and green beans a few years ago. I could actually sit in there and smoke. lol

Damn bro! Your girls are looking beautiful and starting to pack it on. You are in the last trimester now mama, you should be waddling like a duck.

That BHO looks awesome. Looks like it would melt right into my lollipops ;) Like buttah baby!
That pic with the smoke from my skillet is awesome, I love it! The MD BHO is very strong smoke, a lot more tastier then the others. I choke my brains out cause I been blazin to many skillets! lol