F.M.I.L.Y's Grow


Well-Known Member
Double Like!!! Your daughter sounds very wise.
She is wise beyond her years in many ways and naive in many others.

I am definitely a happier and more productive person with my smoke though, there is no question about it.
I so feel you on THAT. I am always high. It keeps me level, and to be perfectly honest, keeps me from being downright homicidal sometimes. I mean, there are a LOT of assHOLES in this world, you know?
LOL, ignorant assholes! I'm a business owner and I still do sales. People are incredibly inconsiderate and at times I feel like an unpaid consultant. Weed is my anxiety medicine that helps me to separate work from life. Work is over when I smoke and its really like changing channels for me. Exhale.... Ahhhhhhhhh... Smile and relax.


Well-Known Member
No shit Shwag! I was a server and I can't count the number of people I wanted to hit over the head with their plate. I went to my interview high. I went to work everyday after that high. OH if only I would have known about my edibles or capsules back then...
Yes people are such incredible assaholics, that weed is very much needed just to drive to the store lol. Click...click...click...click...click...(that's channels changing, puff puff puff). I am smiling and relaxing ;)


Well-Known Member
Sasha passed away....too much heat for her to handle. We had a brutal heat wave of 17 days straight over 100F. I learned alot about growing outdoors, its actually harder than indoor growing IMO. So many different elements to deal with when growing outside than inside.
Pot was probably too small bro......it was 100 degrees or over here too for like 20 something days straight.......One of my plants is handling it poorly(yellowing/acting like a bitch) but the rest like it as long as they get their daily watering..

Saaaaaassshaaaaaaa!! Baby, why'd you have to leave us like dat?


Well-Known Member
hope everyone is having a great night. just a little update. pulled a bunch of plants out last night and put them in the dark room for 50 hours or so. then i'll chop them. still got a few left that are finishing off. pulled 7 plants out of veg and stuck them on the other side of the tent. switched out the bulb to mh for the first 2 weeks of 12/12.

these are all the girls i pulled out this morning.

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Well-Known Member
here's my tent now. slowing it down to 1 light while i am gone. gonna give one of the guys who works for me a chance on these girls. see if he can keep them alive for the first 2 weeks of flower. LOL. the big ones under the HPS light are a good 30 days away from harvest. guess we'll see how he does.

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i'm doing a little cloning experiment. took 70 clones last night off the 7 plants. the first pic are the plants i cloned. those are the ones i put into flower afterward. then you see what they look like after i cloned them. they aren't really going into flower. i'm just keeping them in that tent and pulling them out during the day for some sunshine. gonna wait a week or tw and let the recover from the cloning.

so, i'm doing half the clones under the dome and half without the dome. humidity is a steady 55%. they aren't getting any direct light for now. i turned off the T5 after i got done and there is only light fromt he 1000w MH on the other side of the tent.

half the clones got clonex gel. the other half got nothing. then; of those; half got fed and misted with superthrive and clonex solution. the other half got thrive alive b-1. i'll let you know how it goes.



Well-Known Member
this is the plan for my greenhouse. going about twice as long and 50% wider but the general idea is for it to look something like this.



Well-Known Member
outstanding work - scoob

ncal 420- nice work as well -
my grow isnt very exciting guys sorry
errase this shit
an never measure yo grow against another mans grow we all diff wit diff set ups diff $$ diff errythings

my grow is smaller then yos like 4 plants but is enough for me
an all i measure against is myself i wish others the best -for them

stay up
stay high
stay positive

I an I


Well-Known Member
So everyone who doesnt have a greenhouse is breaking the law? Thats wat ur sayin?
to be legal in the state of california ur plants have to be locked away from and secured from the public. if outdoors that means a greenhouse or structure with a door and locks. also if u have a glass greenhouse ur plants cannot be viewable by the public. so it has to be on a part of ur land where people walking by cant see tf from neighboring properties or sidewalks. no one really cares about the neighboring properties but visible from the sidewalk or street is bad juju from just about any california law enforcement officer. big tickets and possibly ur plants seized.


Well-Known Member
I was referring to weather more than anything in regards to a greenhouse. I've spoken with a few different LEO and some have said out of sight and locked, one said he didn't recommend doing it outside at all cuz if someone knows your growing in a greenhouse and doesn't like it, locked or not, visible or not, the cops can destroy your plants. I'm in a regular joe neighborhood and have a couple small plants going in the back yard that will be maybe a foot tall when finished. I'm not sure you could even identify them from the distance of the neighbors windows, and I have alot of other plants in the yard anyway.

I would never grow with a greenhouse personally. For how I look, (stereotype) and to throw up a greenhouse would raise all kinds of flags for me I'd rather not worry about. Not to mention its not just getting busted but getting your shit taken too.

Wheres Waldo!? Ok she's not that hard to spot, but nothing to get excited over either.


Well-Known Member
I was referring to weather more than anything in regards to a greenhouse. I've spoken with a few different LEO and some have said out of sight and locked, one said he didn't recommend doing it outside at all cuz if someone knows your growing in a greenhouse and doesn't like it, locked or not, visible or not, the cops can destroy your plants. I'm in a regular joe neighborhood and have a couple small plants going in the back yard that will be maybe a foot tall when finished. I'm not sure you could even identify them from the distance of the neighbors windows, and I have alot of other plants in the yard anyway.

I would never grow with a greenhouse personally. For how I look, (stereotype) and to throw up a greenhouse would raise all kinds of flags for me I'd rather not worry about. Not to mention its not just getting busted but getting your shit taken too.

Wheres Waldo!? Ok she's not that hard to spot, but nothing to get excited over either.
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no i get it. weather is an issue down here also. greenhouse would be nice. a nice custom sealed glass one with co2 and a/c is my dream. but im still a few years away from that one i think.

i bet u the main reason he suggested not growing outdoors is for security. all it takes is one stupid 16 year old that doesnt know shit to come break into ur shit while ur shopping or something and cops know it. lol. thats why my shit is completely sealed with nice locks on them when i grow outside with lights all becuz i cant afford the glass and supplies it would cost to do the roof correctly. fuck it. im finding a pad and taking out a loan. who wants to help me build a big ass glass roofed greenhouse?