Decisions Decisions Decisions.... 28,000 watt (pic)


Well-Known Member
The reason i suspect fixtures is because the top spar of the truss behind the light is hidden by it ... below ceiling level. If so, it's as easy as throwing a switch. cn
ive work in many locations like that. It's a skylight. Reason is those HIDs take forever to light. Not super bright in the mornings but you don't loose man hours sitting there till you can see.


Ursus marijanus
No worries. How about using foam sheets (the aluminized urethane sort) to reversibly block the skylights? Keeps sun out ... keeps bright lights in. cn

stoned cockatoo

New Member
Beware of too many cooks in the kitchen.

Looks like an awesome spot man even the floor is a shiny white haha.

How long before you hope to have the factory running?

Will be interesting to see how you go about it subbed


Well-Known Member
But I would still find a way to use the skylights as fresh air for the center of that space. Just covering them would be a waste.


Well-Known Member
Just thought of this. You said it's 300amps. Alot of shops that size have 3 phase 480 that is droped down to 240. Then paneled out for 120. If it is you could ask to drop a 2nd power supply. And if it's 300amps of 240 that will give you 1200 amps of 120. More then enough. Reason I said this is I had to do that for my welding shop. My welders ran of 3 phase 480. So I paid Edison 2200 for the new drop and that was unlimited amps. But you rent the equipment. It's added to your bill. So you might wanna look into that if you feel you might go over your power.


Well-Known Member

place looks like you could eat off the floor. my recommendation on a space that big (if you are in a moderate to warm climate) is ditch a/c units and all those fans and go with a chiller and water cooled equipment. 40% more efficient and it's plug and play so no hvac guy needed. when i switched it almost cut my electricity bill in half. so much more efficient. also allows you to control the exhaust heat on almost any piece of equipment you have. that way the room is completely sealed. mount the chiller on the roof. looks just like a commercial ac unit anyway.

built this room 2 years ago. will never go back to ac units. we upgraded it to 10 lights in flower a few months back. running under current systems as well now. got rid of the flood trays after i got a demo UC system to try out. swapped out everything for UC after a single harvest. amazing systems.

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i'm sub'd to this thread for sure. can't wait to see what you pull together man. good luck.


Well-Known Member
Scooby is the best man to talk too. I can give advice but he can give details. And he might be better off telling you how Edison did my place. He builds them I buy them.


Well-Known Member
Let's not go into tool war. I own welding comps and custom car building. I also have 2 paint and body shops.


Well-Known Member
Fu(K Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I need to look into the water cooling. WOW I get 50 degree water! "well water of course."


Well-Known Member
Let's not go into tool war. I own welding comps and custom car building. I also have 2 paint and body shops.
i'll take some pics for you tomorrow. these are just the tools we pulled out and cleaned that were in my workshop. not any of the heavy equipment that is anchored down. this is the workshop at my house. i'll swing by my company shop. makes home depot look like a 7-eleven. don't even get me started on the heavy machinery. LOL.


Well-Known Member
Scooby there is no need to prove anything to me. I have crains worth over 500k. But don't own them. I trust you to the fullest. Or I wouldn't put your name out there.


Well-Known Member
This was my big one till 8 years ago. Now it's my baby and stuck in the yard. Needed more power.

30 ton Lincbelt. Last job I ran with that Crain.


Well-Known Member
hey man, i'm not having a pissing contest with you. just fucking around and having a little fun. i build spec homes and small condo developments. we don't do anything crazy with huge cranes or anything. we're more HIGH END residential. for's all about craftsmenship.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't saying we had a pissing match. Just felt the need to stop others from saying bs on the 500k. That had nothing to do with you. Sorry if it seemed that way. You know they will call me on it. So I figured no harm in showing a 8 year old photo.