Decisions Decisions Decisions.... 28,000 watt (pic)


Well-Known Member
Scooby, I just wanna make sure Im understanding all of this correctly.

Im looking at your design of that op. In the design, there are 4 different CO2 tanks stationed throughout the facility. Two in flower, one in clone/veg, and one in mother room. It looks like all of the CO2 tanks are ran to a 12 hp chiller, thus enriching the water of the chiller with CO2. (I didnt even know 12hp chillers existed. A 3hp is rated for 36,000 BTU. For 11,000w of just lighting, is that gonna be enough?) The Chiller then forwards the chilled water to the two 5 ton air handlers, one each in the mother and flower rooms. Since the water is CO2 enriched, it is dissapated throughout the entire growing area.

Is that correct?

Also, I cant see the text in the red box in the Workspace area, or the gray and blue box on the left in the Clone/Veg area. One looks like fan, I cant tell the other.

This plan looks like an amazing basement grow Id like to utilize in the future, and Id like to save this for reference but Id just like a better understanding of it.

Thanks in advance :)
hey bud, you are definitely a little confused. first off, they make commercial chillers upt to 100hp i think. the ones used for grow rooms go up to 20-25hp. (

i am not enriching the water with Co2, those are water cooled Co2 generators. ( i have a 12hp chiller that has 2 internal reservoir with seperate pumps. one of the reservoirs is kept at 45 degrees and that feed the air handlers via 3/4" flextech hosing which is run on the outside of the building. it then comes directly through the wall and into the air handler. you want the water that cold so that the water cooled air handler runs more efficiently. plus, those temps allow it to dehumidify the air better. the blue and red lines you see are feed and return lines. the other reservoir and pump run through the grow rooms feeding the water cooled equipment like the Co2 generators, reservoir chiller coils, water cooled dehumidifier in the drying room; etc... you have to keep the water temperature in that reservoir much higher; around 60 degrees or else you will have condensation all over your equipment in the grow room.

so i have a 12hp chiller that is split into 2 5hp water cooled air handler (10hp total) and 2hp for the other equipment being cooled. the flower room is now 10,000w so it's a total of 13,000w of lighting in the building. on top of that it is in a VERY warm climate. that 12hp chiller has NO problem handling it all. not sure why you mention a 3hp chiller. maybe you have read my other posts. i have a 3hp compace self contained at another location that runs about 3,600w of lighting and other equipment. the chillking units are actually rated for abotu 10-15% more than the stated btu. i have the equipment to test the output on my units and my old 2hp was putting out 27,000btu; my 3hp is putting out 39,500btu, and my 12hp is putting out 163,000btu.

the text in the red box in the workspace area says "loadcenters." i have 3 200amp services supplying the building and other things on the property like exterior lighting; outlets; etc. plus i run 60 amps off one of the panels to a small house on the property and another 50 amps to a subpanel that runs the water pumps, gate control, security lighting, and camera systems.

the grey boxes in the clone/veg room are inline fans and the blue boxes are Ice Box Heat Exchangers. it was easier to just use a heat exchanger in that room than running ducting from the air handler.

the grow is not a basement. it's a 1500sq.ft. solid concrete building built to spec by me and my guys. i build high end dpec homes for a living. so this was like a pet project.

send me a PM with a dummy email account and i'll send you the autocad plans and a .pdf that will let you see a lot better.

1-2hp non-self contained chiller
3-5hp non self-contained and self-contained compact chillers


4-8hp commercial self contained single compressor chillers

6-20hp commercial self contained dual compressor chillers



Why would you put it on blast though? I think you could have PM'd instead (not trying to be a dick, I'm just sayin).


i used that place for my business for 3 years up to last year and moved to larger premises.

do you see the red foam fire extinguisher on the right with the cream label... i ordered my employee to order 4 and have them placed around the walls.

we got busted in there big time but only the crop and grow op was seized, we have set up in another building 8 miles away.

we made a hole in the brickwork on the wall on the left which has been patched.

one of my men took a psycho because his wife left him and kicked the smaller walk through door in, and i had to replace it, it used to be white, the same as in the other workshops.
and the concrete floor has been re-painted as it had lots of ph up and down spilled on it and was burned.
but i know that building. and that is it.

i had the place rewired at a cost, and it can handle 38,500 watts no problem at 110v and 350 amps.

it can handle 85,000 watts converted to 240v.

that was the safety measure.

these specifics can be easily doubled at a small cost.

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
And Stephanie....if this was even remotely true please post the city this is in. Do us that favor please. We wouldn't want to invest in a location that is on the DEAs radar.

Also a quick search through Rollitup got me to this pic
