NorCal outdoor 2012 coastal style , white Russian, kush, skunk,hash, blue cheese+more


Well-Known Member
replacing my girlfriend and the machete for this girl in the tent for the next month and half.

edit is this better guys lmaos7_629295_999_03.jpg

cap guns are very effective for these types of situations


Well-Known Member
replacing my girlfriend and the machete for this girl in the tent for the next month and half.

my god...please be careful...airsoft guns can hurt if you get one in the eye...(see waht i did?)
every time a 215er blinds a pushes mmj backwards and the feds get something to huff and puff about....
yes...rippers might need tobe blinded(just a lil bit)
but,let someone (read karma) do it....
good luck coasty


Well-Known Member
my god...please be careful...plants aren't worth killing over,imo....
every time a 215er kills a pushes mmj backwards and the feds something to huff and puff about....
yes...rippers might need to die (just a lil bit)
but,let someone (read karma) do it....
good luck coasty
if anything happens this guys/girl is right, dont kill the person. Sneak up on em hit em with the stock of the gun. teach him a little lesson and then tell him he has 3 seconds to get off your property or hes dead. Trust me the person will shit in their pants and wont comeback. You can always blast their leg off or hand and say it was self defense. :) Just dont kill the person.

Why dont you just do what I do and let 2 or 3 pitbulls sleep outside for the night. (tip, if you feed the pitbulls raw meat(beef) they will be as buff as a body builder. These dogs have amazing muscular definition. Someone could always kill one, but not 3. Three is a pack number and for this particular breed, they are twice as aggressive in packs. These dogs are also the second most loyal dogs to their owners. They are willing to die for you (promise you this). 3 pitbulls, in my opinion would dominate 3 of any other breed of dog. 3 pitbulls are more powerful then that shotgun you have right there (unless somehow you can blast all three in one spread shot). Take it from me, NO ONE will fuck with a grow surrounded by overly aggressive dogs.


Well-Known Member
im an avid hunter who has taken hunters saftey courses and rifle and shotgun safety course. i have no intention of killing anybody period! especially even brandishing the gun at an unarmed man in my garden is fully out of the question!. but it is there to protect me in case any armed rippers come into my garden with tan idea to hurt me. i live 45 minutes from the nearest hospital i would surly be dead if i were to get stabbed or shot up here.

the real reason i was prompted to bring her down is because i talked to an older grower who was actually shot 2 years ago after he was trying to protect his crop with just a machete like me! so fuck that id rather do 5-10 than get killed on my own property because of some corrupt laws.

Well-Known Member
im an avid hunter who has taken hunters saftey courses and rifle and shotgun safety course. i have no intention of killing anybody period! and unarmed in my garden is fully out of the question!. but it is there to protect me in case any armed rippers come into my garden with tan idea to hurt me. i live 45 minutes from the nearest hospital i would surly be dead if i were to get stabbed or shot up here.

the real reason i was prompted to bring her down is because i talked to an older grower who was actually shot 2 years ago after he was trying to protect his crop with just a machete like me! so fuck that id rather do 5-10 than get killed on my own property because of some corrupt laws.

10 pitbulls. :) how is somebody gonna shoot 10? not gonna happen... Just trying to say, invest in fencing and dogs. Keep your gun too. If you hear a gun shot, probably someone shooting at the dogs. Then you know you have armed ripper on your property. Let me just say, if it were me and I was for some reason so inclined in stealing your crop here is what I would do. Open your little blue tent at night, bang bang. your dead and you didnt even hear them coming. DOGS!!!!!!!! will save your life. Unless you are like jason bourne and you can automatically wake up to the sound of a pin drop, anybody could kill your in that tent at any time during the night. Whether it is the quite knife or the loud gun. All I am saying is the person would have to shot the dog before you... and the dogs bark like crazy. If someone is willing to fire a gun at you while trying to steal your plants I am sure they would be fine with killing you will you sleep so that they dont have to suffer... Get what I am trying to say here. That gun is pointless if you dont have trip bells or something to alert you at night...


Well-Known Member
my god...please be careful...plants aren't worth killing over,imo....
every time a 215er kills a pushes mmj backwards and the feds get something to huff and puff about....
yes...rippers might need to die (just a lil bit)
but,let someone (read karma) do it....
good luck coasty
i 100% agree, but its a matter of personal safety. i didn't really want to get into this but i guess i kinda brought it on myself.
my last roommate aside being a pathological liar is pretty much a career thief just like his father was and they both have a hard on for doing home invasions (breaking into your house while you are there at gun point and tieing you up and pistol whipping you and beating the shit out fo you till you tell them were the money is). he owns guns that are not registered to him and he is a very smart and unpredictable FELON who if he did find were i live i may seriously have a problem because he has a personal vendetta against me.. and by problem i mean like 4 guys in ski masks with glocks storming my tent and garden mid night.


Well-Known Member
10 pitbulls. :) how is somebody gonna shoot 10? not gonna happen... Just trying to say, invest in fencing and dogs. Keep your gun too. If you hear a gun shot, probably someone shooting at the dogs. Then you know you have armed ripper on your property. Let me just say, if it were me and I was for some reason so inclined in stealing your crop here is what I would do. Open your little blue tent at night, bang bang. your dead and you didnt even hear them coming. DOGS!!!!!!!! will save your life. Unless you are like jason bourne and you can automatically wake up to the sound of a pin drop, anybody could kill your in that tent at any time during the night. Whether it is the quite knife or the loud gun. All I am saying is the person would have to shot the dog before you... and the dogs bark like crazy. If someone is willing to fire a gun at you while trying to steal your plants I am sure they would be fine with killing you will you sleep so that they dont have to suffer... Get what I am trying to say here. That gun is pointless if you dont have trip bells or something to alert you at night...
iv got motion sensors and two dogs that do a good job of waking me up but do nothing for stopping people

Well-Known Member
and by problem i mean like 4 guys in ski masks with glocks storming my tent and garden mid night.
how could guys with ski masks get to your tent if you had dogs? Surely they would have to get past the dogs first. Then they would get to you hidding with your shotgun, then they would get blasted by you because you would have been alerted by the dogs. :D

You dont have the right kind of dogs then man... but all you really need is the barking, dont really even need the motion sensors. Dogs wake up to the drop of a pin (at least mine do).

Honestly I feel like this website is somehow getting hacked and the people who are ripping are the hackers... Which is why I stopped posting pics of my grow on this forum and all other forums for that matter. Catching one ripper is enough for me to install doggie doors. It is also enough for me to believe that it is related to when you post on forums because right when I posted my first pics I caught someone in my backyard. Luckily I was taking bong loads outside at about 2:34 when someone hopped my wall. I shot him with my little brothers hunting rifle (like a really high powered BB gun, except it used pointed small lead bullets) anyways he learned to never comeback and hopefully he didnt die from lead poisoning lol!


Well-Known Member
how could guys with ski masks get to your tent if you had dogs? Surely they would have to get past the dogs first. Then they would get to you hidding with your shotgun, then they would get blasted by you because you would have been alerted by the dogs. :D
my property is just hard to explain... but well now that i have the gun i am safe along with the dogs but before all the would have happened would have been the dogs would have alerted me for my time to get shot!

Well-Known Member
my property is just hard to explain... but well now that i have the gun i am safe along with the dogs but before all the would have happened would have been the dogs would have alerted me for my time to get shot!
A good way to stop rippers and keep your dogs safe from what your doing, is by hanging 100lb test fishing line around your property with one large steel fishhook every 12 inches and small fish hooks in between. Hang them chest high so your dogs dont get tangled up in them... Make sure to use at least one hundred pound test so who ever gets hooked CANNOT get off very easily.

2 words you should get familiar with.

Special Circumstances.

You are looking at time just having it there. Prop 215 or not. Just looking out for you man.
LOL nice avatar. In my peripheral vision I saw a tiger but when I looked at it was snoop dogg. funny shit.


Well-Known Member
snoop kind of lookin' like will smith in that pic...but i just saw mib3 today...
i could see him playing the cowardly lion in the remake of the wizard of oz (or the wiz)
^100% medically induced rambling

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
Your in cali right? Don't shoot to injure anyone. They will sue you and you will loose in court. If you have to use deadly forced, then just make sure there is only one side of the story told to the police. I am a gun owner, I have a good friend that is a defence attorny, he told me that. Remember, protect yourself and your family, not your plants. Good luck bro.


Well-Known Member
snoop kind of lookin' like will smith in that pic...but i just saw mib3 today...
i could see him playing the cowardly lion in the remake of the wizard of oz (or the wiz)
^100% medically induced rambling
I could totally see him doing a "If I were king of the forest" rendition. LMFAO!!!


Well-Known Member
2 words you should get familiar with.

Special Circumstances.

You are looking at time just having it there. Prop 215 or not. Just looking out for you man. :)
thanks for lookin out bro

ok i really want to end all this toy gun discussion guys....

plus like my signature says everything i say or post on this site is fiction

im a big ole liar and im the best photoshopper alive