FlowaMasta'a NEW Jack H x Skunk - 1 Plant 600HPS + UVB Monster Scrog!!!


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha thats awesome dude, 30 days in and colas are falling over because of the weight lol!
Well man you definitely have this growing thing down pat, its great learning how you do it so cheers for having me along for the ride :) really enjoying watching this girl grow, im seeing massive changes every time you update, its great :-D
No problemo man :) happy to have all of you along for the ride! hopefully my hand gets better soon so can support those hefty fat girls!! scary stuff.

whats your opinion on the cyco flower pgr's now flowa. i honestly think your buds look frostier this time around and your yield certainly doesnt seem to have been affected.

thats just my opinion based on photos but just wondering what your opinion is as you are the one that sees your plants everyday
Nice observation 2easy :) I still like the PGR's for certain strain applications. The more indica, the less i will use if any. To be honest i would say frost is about on par with last grow at day 30... i will find a couple of comparison shots.... Frost came on a little earlier this round and has a different close-up look to my last grow maybe because of my different sugar product. (suga rush instead of pineapple rush)





Well-Known Member

Here is a timeline of flowering so far for the current grow.

day 1 Flower

Day 7 Flowering.

day 11 Flowering... didnt have a day 14...

day 20 Flowering.... Massive growth in 9 days

day 25 Flowering.

Last night, day 30 Flowering :) Obvious she's putting weight on by now..........

here is day 30 flowering for my last grow, Bigger buds, but alot less of them



Well-Known Member
Thats a great comparison dude, you're right too, while you had thicker buds at this time last plant, you have way more colas this time that look like they may end up yielding more!


Well-Known Member
looks like your getting better with age my friend..... sort of like a fine wine :)
Such a splendid compliment :) much appreciated mrpeoples.

Thats a great comparison dude, you're right too, while you had thicker buds at this time last plant, you have way more colas this time that look like they may end up yielding more!
It will be a good exciting weigh in for sure, i never squeeze the colas as this stage (too scared to damage any growing cells!) so i cant tell you how dense they are, but it looks like they will still fill out really nicely, there is still alot of energy stored so still alot of bud growing to do yet! maybe i was over adventurous with my topping!


Well-Known Member
damn flowa she is looking frosty as a mutha! not to mention all those flower sites! great fucking work man true genius! im hoping my plant will start to look like yours soon ...just did the flip today and unfortunatly didnt have time to take pictures :( but i will tomorrow for sure , im thinking that the second screen i bought is a good idea cause i got a feeling these colas are gonna bulk up fast and need lots of support! cheers man happy growing

p.s. : oh ya and thanks for the pm on the deemsters :D very cool thread ya got there


Well-Known Member
damn flowa she is looking frosty as a mutha! not to mention all those flower sites! great fucking work man true genius! im hoping my plant will start to look like yours soon ...just did the flip today and unfortunatly didnt have time to take pictures :( but i will tomorrow for sure , im thinking that the second screen i bought is a good idea cause i got a feeling these colas are gonna bulk up fast and need lots of support! cheers man happy growing

p.s. : oh ya and thanks for the pm on the deemsters :D very cool thread ya got there
LOL :) cheers man, can't wait for pics!


Well-Known Member
Haha flowa before tryin to bash my growin skills look in on here brother your workin to dam hard and for wot ?? Tryin to justify workin so hard is by no means easy cannabis comes from a plant which is nt hard to grow as you ll see if u hit the link lol


Wot ya na wanna play anymore lol
i simply refuse to waste my time. You think i work hard to grow my plant lol!? If you knew of me at all on this site you would know just how god damn simple my setup really is. Once again get your facts right, and yea try post in my thread thinkin people are gonna be interested when you go and insult me!? Nice try. The difference in your cannabis and mine is far from a thin line. I don't even need to justify myself , you know what? i barely try to grow erb. I just use my given TRUE knowledge and put it to horticultural use. I use science. You use your keyboard and mouth. Don't even try. I studied this shit thick and thin and i'm afraid you can't tell me how to grow. Do you see people tellin me how to grow?

Quality. Not a single trichome disturbed. Instead of thinking you know best... how bout acknowledging people on doing a nice job? you seem to be only the 2nd dick i've come across on RIU who doesn't know when to give up and when he's been defeated. Your excuse for stretchy ass plants....... 'they are true og, its in their traits they put weight on later on in 4th and 5th week.' Well Guess what I just passed day 31 and my colas are falling over all over the place. A true grower would manage his canopy and adjust to suit the stretch. Not let them go crazy and messy all over the place. A nice managed canopy is how to grow indoors and gain the biggest yields. Strain has nothing to do with it. Simple.

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What camera do you use brother?. Beautiful shots!, those close-ups are amazing.

Thanx man! thought i made s good choice, i used to do a little photography in school, loved it so i try to make it a little artistic too :)

I use a Samsung WB150f i bought it for around $250 6 months ago. around $200 even now and i still go down to the camera shops to test their macro modes and still to this day the samsung seems to snap the beauties closest up. Anything upto 3cm away from the lens. It's a compact with pro features, (Full Manual Mode) for iso/shutter/aperture

Chipper Pig

Well-Known Member
Hello Flowa, I havent been on here for sometime, but i would have to say lady jack is looking just awesome. A fair few more colas than last grow i see. Some heavy topping this time around.

Eat a dick Cheddar1985 :finger:


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