bloom.....maybe, defeciancies ???


Well-Known Member
some more pics to help me get a hand on the problem plants have never been fed. transplanted Aug 2nd, susposed to be 60 day finishers, using Sunshine soilless. At this point don't know if first feeding should be vegging or bloom and btw don't mind timestamp, camera is broken



Well-Known Member
How tall to do you want them? 15" is good unless you want'em taller why are you waiting to feed I have one in sunshine mix 4 but I start all my seedlilngs in it! I use plain water put the germenated seed in the dirt covered with plastic for a day or two it'll take a week to dry out them I start my feed off at 250 ppm then plain water then feed a slight more ppms maybe 400 or so then plain water and so on you may of been done vegging a week ago if you had fed my last veg of my current grow was like 26 days from seed to flowering.
:) How you like them pest strips I seen'em can you breath the air ? I heard their strong, and my grow room isn't air tight would they work in there~:lol:


Well-Known Member
pest strips work great for me, I close GH when it cools down but have to open durning the day when it's hot but when ever I open.....dead bugs. Figure they are rdy for food but seem to be showing signs of flower and wondering jf they rdy for BLOOM


Well-Known Member
I keep vegging until flowers show from 12/12. I do a bloom boost at the first sign to increase density of buds. I'm organic soil.


Well-Known Member
get them out of those aluminum pans. or put bricks under pot. they can't sit in their run-off. they need to breathe.


Well-Known Member
Your right they do have a def- light. I can tell by the toothpick stems your using cfls and its too warm in there.


Well-Known Member
My outside plants in northern US just started flowering. No bloom nutes yet for yours.


Ursus marijanus
Sunshine #4 is a soilless mix ... no significant nutrients. The poor dears are eating themselves. If you would like to see them green up and grow, try a hydroponic-style nutrient feed. That's how Sunshine Mix #4 was meant to be used iirc. cn