Dog beating State patrolman


Well-Known Member
Stupid pig, I think he should get 5 years for this shit. (say hello to mike vic) | Video played of trooper kicking dog

I have a German shepherd, and instantly thought about her (even though that's not the breed here.), but that's what came to mind. My dog is really like one of my best friends, always there when I need her, and she doesn't know whats going on, so I always appreciate her innocents. I have a bad day and she is always just as happy to see me as anyone in my life :)


New Member
OMG! I don't even want to watch it. i have had 2 german shepherds in my life and lost in less than 6 months ago. I now have 2 smaller ones but I LOVE dogs passionately. They truly are womans best friend. :mrgreen:
I depise people that abuse animmals or children or any living thing for that matter.
Thats some really screwed up stuff. I hope they throw the book at him.:evil:
Stupid pig, I think he should get 5 years for this shit. (say hello to mike vic) | Video played of trooper kicking dog

I have a German shepherd, and instantly thought about her (even though that's not the breed here.), but that's what came to mind. My dog is really like one of my best friends, always there when I need her, and she doesn't know whats going on, so I always appreciate her innocents. I have a bad day and she is always just as happy to see me as anyone in my life :)


Well-Known Member
Okay that was one of the worst things i have seen in a long time it just makes me want to cry. Some people rush to judge a dog when they do something wrong and some people even judge a dog by its breed but as long as we have people like this jerk i think its the dogs that are the better species they dont judge us they just love us when he was standing by the dog the dog was doing nothing he was probably waiting to get a nice pet or some love and attention but then this ahhh i dont even have a name for him its so nasty comes and kicks the poor pup i think they should tie him up and let us dog lovers get a few kicks in eye for a eye. LOVE THE DOGS OF THE WORLD NO MATTER WHAT BREED.


New Member
I think he should get back on if they hang him by his neck over a railing and let me kick him 8 times. It's funny, i have got into a lot of fights and maulings, and have never intentionally hurt any animal.

Wait a minute, I'm not a pussy, thats why.


Well-Known Member
If I kicked a police dog I would get charged with assaulting a police officer and they'd really stick it to ya....definitely jail time.....all he gets is fired.


Well-Known Member
i have a boarder collie that i trained to smell out peoples bags. i used to use him as an example to show people how ez it is to get caught with weed when it comes to a dog.

it was fun and exciting to train him with a hollow ball with a 8th in it. he goes nuts when he smells weed because he thinks its play time :D

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member

You can hear the dog make a gasping bark with each kick... which means he's likely kicking the dog in the chest/lung area....

If he's willing to treat his PARTNER that way... imagine what he does to people he's arresting when the cameras aren't rolling.

This guy is a disgrace to the human race and he should ABSOLUTELY be fired and charged.... Fucking asshole!

Add me to the list of people who spoil their babies.... here's mine with one of his favorite things.... an empty can of chili.... he'll truck around the house for hours with his can until he licks every morsel out of it.

Jack_can_2.jpg Jack_can_3.jpg


Well-Known Member
you have to becareful when doing that too a dog (letting him eat outa a can) because he can either get his noise stuck in it or cut his toung up badly

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
you have to becareful when doing that too a dog (letting him eat outa a can) because he can either get his noise stuck in it or cut his toung up badly

My can opener leaves no sharp edges and I always run my finger around the inside rim to make sure it's properly sealed so he can't hurt his tongue. I'm also home when I let him have a can.... and the can goes into the trash before I leave the house so he can't get into trouble. I also never let him take his can outside where I can't see him.

I'm actually more worried about bones... and rarely give them to him. One year at Christmas he got a bone from a Prime Rib and didn't chew it up good before swallowing it. The next day he was yelping in pain as he pooped out the sharp bone... poor baby... I felt so bad for him. :cry:

Jack is a moose... he's 110 pounds and is a pretty tough dog.... but it's nice to know I live (literally) across the street from his Vet/Animal Hospital.... just in case :D


Well-Known Member
That is one bad cop who needs to be thrown in prison with bubba. I couldn't imagine doing something like that to my dog or any dog. That fucker should get not only prison time, but a long stretch of SUPERVISED community service caring for abused animals.


Well-Known Member
That fucking pig I hope he gets the shit kicked out of him!!!!!!! there is no excuse for what he did and he should pay!!!!!! i hope that he is prosecuted to the fullest extent the law allows. and then some. what a fucking big man he is to kick that defenseless animal, he probably beats his wife and kids if he has any!